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‧₊˚♥︎ 0

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‧₊˚♥︎ 0.01 / demon slayer | 愛

*: YOU DIDN'T HAVE any idea how you would plan things here, but that would soon be situated when you called your father later on. here, you weren't going to often talk to him; it dimming down to occasional texting, and very few calls. he was an extremely busy man taking on the job he did, and you didn't want to distract him the same applying vise versa style.

faceless yet he had a name. you didn't collect too much intel on his personality yet it was safe for you to assume he was cautious. anyone in his position would be.

unfortunately for you, you missed orientation a few days ago, the occupied time granted going towards packing up your last bit of things with your mother. you'd have rather stayed home but moving in a dorm was the most rational option for you. and the most convenient.

you pull the two sided doors open, the heaviness of the duffel bag that sat on your shoulder earning a displeased sound from you as you make way inside. the room noticeably grew quiet yet you decided against speaking up about it, the bottom of the flats you wore creating little to no sound against the wood print flooring as you take a seat in the back.

looked like the instructor failed to make an  appearance. needless to mention, it was just the first day so you didn't think you'd be doing any kind of dancing. that was too bad, you at least wanted something to preoccupy your mind while you were already busy doing something that would later on lead to the potential costing of your life.

anywho, you at least wanted to know his face.

who the hell even looked like a giyu?

a woman steps in front of you, pulling down to your seated level of height.


the unexpected pitch of her voice makes you jump ever so slightly, your eyes swinging over to match her own vibrant ones. flat bangs covered her forehead, her long hair being tucked into a low bun. she looked like some kind of live watermelon, her multicolored pink and green hair forcing the image in your thoughts flowing mind.

"shit, you scared me." you respond, an awkward chuckle leaving you.

"sorry! that wasn't my intention. you were in the back alone so i assumed you were new?"

"i am. i'm a bit late because i missed orientation and didn't really know my way around here." you mentally sigh as the chatter around continues, your lip pulling into your teeth as different sets of eyes haul away from you.

"oh, that makes sense. i'm mitsuri... and you are?"

"[name]." you state, holding your hand out as she examines your features.

just as she takes her hand into your own, the glass doors open once more. you noticed this class wasn't very full. there were about twenty of you inside yet that made sense. not many could get into the advanced portion of the dance program.

and you thought her appearance was pretty flashy. a scar paints his face, spikes of his cream colored hair hanging over his face. his appearance was rather... strange but he didn't look bad. still, you didn't know whether to be intimidated or afraid.

"do you know who that guy is?" you question quite boldly, not wanting to assume he was the guy you were supposedly after. nevertheless, he definitely looked the part, your heart instinctively skipping a beat as you trail your eyes after him.

"oh, that's sanemi! i wouldn't associate myself with him if i were you." she answers, her voice gradually dropping with every word until it became a whisper. bringing her face closer to your own, you reflectively lean in a questioning look on your face as your lips settle into a frown.

she seemed to have some kind of information on the people here so maybe she knew of the guy you were debating on asking about. it wouldn't arise suspicion, would it? that was what you were the most concerned about.

"do you know a giyu? i heard he's pretty famous around here." you lie, a smile gracing your glossy lips. well, technically you were telling the truth. his name didn't leave the mouths of others from opposing schools and teams, the fact bringing you to wonder why his father hadn't known of his face.

mitsuri perks a brow at you. "i know him. not much conversation with him, though. he usually arrives late. no clue why."

made sense. the next couple of minutes were a pain in the ass deeming they felt like hours. the blushing woman talked to you about the program and other students in the room for the said time, your head infrequently nodding as you half heartedly listened in on her rapid talking. your eyes would stride over towards the door every now and then, your palms pressed flatly against your lap as your nails would dig in on the fabric coated skin of your thigh. you weren't impatient, just a bit jittery.

when would he come? you found out the instructor wasn't actually late, this was just first day tradition so that the students had no other option but to involve themselves with others. it was smart but pressuring.

the sound of the doors shutting captures your attention. your eyes instantly draw over towards the man who newly entered the room, your eyes twinkling in captivation. you... didn't have to wait for another student to realize he was the one you longed to see.

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