Chapter Three

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        I wanted to tell Leah about the fight we'd challenged the Bikers to, but I thought it best not to tell her. Ava wasn't going to tell her little brother either. Until we really needed them, none of us wanted to risk it.
        Saturday afternoon couldn't come fast enough. I spent the entire morning practicing pushups and sit-ups, which I was pretty good at. Growing up trying to be one of the Bikers had its upsides. I was stronger than most girls my age, even the ones that did jazzercise at the mall a couple miles down the road.

        When it was finally time, I made my way towards the abandoned house. I met up with Ray on the way there. Heather's truck was already there, along with David's bike. David, however, was nowhere in sight.
        "Ready, everyone?" I asked, parking my bike in the overgrown driveway. Zach high-fived me and we walked to the backyard to meet everyone else. The whole rest of our gang was already there.
        "Where's the Bikers? It's 3:05," Heather said, looking at her watch and then looking around. I didn't know where they were either. Danny walked up to the house and peered in through the open back door. He came back shaking his head.
        Suddenly, I realized something. Ray realized it too, and we both looked at each other and mouthed ambush. It was too late though. I felt something sharp hit my arm and I whirled around to see David on the roof of the house with a BB gun in his hands.
        "Ambush!" I shouted as all the bikers emerged from the trees, some of them with BB guns, some of them with just their fists. All of us jumped to attention as we tried to dodge the BBs while fighting off the other Bikers. I took on Elias, who had a BB pistol and was firing at random. I knocked it out of his hands and tried to tackle him, but he jumped out of the way and I faceplated into the grass as he ran to grab the gun. I rolled over and reached it first, but I didn't know how to use it, so I just jumped up quickly and flung it into the woods before Elias tackled me. I looked up at the roof. David was still firing down at all of us. I threw Elias off of me and ran to the front yard. There was a ladder leaning against the roof of the porch. I climbed up, then pushed myself up onto the actual roof. David looked up and put the gun down.
        "Rumble fights don't usually involve BB guns," I said coldly. David stood up and shrugged.
"You didn't say we couldn't use them."
        "It was implied," I retorted. "What the hell, anyways?"
        David walked to the edge of the roof and looked down at the backyard before whistling. "You guys are losing pretty badly. I'd surrender if I were you."
        "Well you're not me," I replied, and hurried to the roof to survey the scene, hoping David wouldn't push me off. He didn't, but I knew he was standing right behind me from his shadow. What I didn't know until I turned around was that he'd picked up the BB gun and had it aimed at the back of my neck.
        "Surrender," he said. I whirled around and put my hands up in the air. David leapt down from the roof onto the back steps and shouted that they'd won. I stood on the roof, dumbfounded. This was supposed to be a simple fight.
        "We won!" Connor shouted. "Wahoo!"
        I climbed down from the roof and walked back into the backyard, fuming mad. David, unarmed, walked up to me and extended his hand for me to shake it.
        "Good game," he said. I stared at his extended arm in disbelief, then looked up at him with the same expression.
        "Good game?" I demanded. "Good game? You brought BB guns to a fistfight!" I cried. David only shrugged and picked up the BB rifle. "You didn't say what we were using. That's on you," he said, walking away. I whirled around to face him.
        "Don't make this out to be my fault!" I shouted. "Who the hell brings BB guns to a fistfight?"
        "Andrea!" Heather shouted. I looked back towards the backyard, which was now empty of the Bikers. I felt like something was wrong, so I ran over to them. Danny was lying in the grass with a small gash on his shoulder. That wasn't what grossed me out though. It was the fact that there was a small metallic ball wedged deep in the gash.
        "What the hell happened?" I exclaimed.
        "Grant had a switchblade, that's what," Riley replied angrily. I looked at Danny. He was conscious, but didn't seem to be able to talk.
        "Let's all go back to my house," I announced. "I'll take care of it."

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