No Worries..

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I hope you're enjoying this book so far!

I'll try to have more motivation
to make 1 chapters a day because it's 9 pm now and i have to drag myself to write another chapter/episode because i said i'm gonna make 2 a day.

So yeah Enjoy!! ^^


N's Pov:
N walks home thinking about Uzi how she was acting if she was really okay or not.

N: Oh Uzi if you're going through something, i wish i could know to help you..

N walks to his house and locks the door and goes to sleep.

Uzi's Pov:
Uzi starts to blush a little while looking at the phone number.

Uzi: I.. will text him later..

Uzi spent the rest of her day laying on her bed and overthinking.
The she got an idea that she could text N.

The Texts:

Hey N, it's me Uzi

Oh Hey i'm happy you texted me Uzi!😊

Do you need anything?😊

I can't sleep..

Why not?

I don't know..

Well try listening to music while you close you're eyes and try to sleep it works well for me! :)

I'll try N thanks

No problem!
I hope you're okay Uzi :)

Yeah i'm good..

____New unreaded text____

if you need anything text me. I'm here for you, no need to hide your feelings, i won't hate you because of it :)

Uzi's Pov:
Uzi didn't respond for the rest of the night.
The next morning Uzi woke up around 10am she checks her phone and see the message.

The text's:

____New unreaded text____
Last texted on 5th of _November at 9 pm_

if you need anything text me. I'm here for you, no need to hide your feelings, i won't hate you because of it :)

___6th of November 2023___

Thanks N, but no need to worry about me..

Uzi's Pov:
She starts to tear up from the text she got from N
After a while the few tears turned into sobs and sobs to crying.
As she cries and think about that text she can just do and lay there on the bed curled up and crying she is shivering from cold too

W-why is he t-this car-ring ...?

I don't deserve it.....

Uzi gets up and picks up her blade and starts to cut herself.
As uzi sobs and cuts herself more She hears Knocking on the door.
She gets up and covers her new cut marks and wipe her tears away and then she opens her door.

Hey.. Uzi

Hey N! do you need anything?

i just was wondering if you want to hang out today in the park or somewhere

Uh i don't know..

don't worry i'll be there for you

well then okay..

good i'll be there at 1 pm

okay bye

bye see you tater


Hello everyone i know i'm publishing this a bit late but i really didn't have the mood to continue to write at 9 pm and also didn't get too much sleep, so i thought i'll do it like that. i'll try posting 1 chapter/episode daily and 2 chapters/episodes or 3 on weekends , this Thursday i'll maybe post 2.

I hope you have great day/night ^^

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