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This is goodbye.


(Melody pov)

I sat on the couch waiting for the knock as Klaus stayed in the room. I scanned the tiny room hoping it would bring me some type of distraction and relief. The knock made me jump a bit as I stood up and took a deep breath before opening the door, oh man there he stood as handsome as ever, wearing a casual shirt and leather jacket with black jeans, his eye's had lighten up once he saw me yet upon further glimpses he realized I was wearing pajamas and my hair was loose. His complexion became confused as he patiently waited for my response.

Oh fuck I'm going to be sick!.
This is too much pressure and it sucks because every fucking fiber in my body wants to go with him, every fiber within me is telling me to give him a chance.

I stepped back and let him walk in and stood with his hands to the side waiting. He looks nervous and confused as I crossed my arms over my chest as I hoped it would calm my overbearing discomfort.

"Sebastiá i can't...I just, I need time...I like you and nothing would make me happier than to go out with you but I realize that...."

I stopped mid sentence because I felt my body began to heat up.

"I realized that liking you is something that can't be a possibility and it needs to stop...I'm so sorry"

Allowing myself to fall for him was a mistake I shouldn't have let happen especially when Sebastián doesn't know my entire story. He knows what my parents allowed him too and what he has heard throughout the town, he knows that he needed to care for a fragile girl and be her butler and be a worker to her, he knows of my drunken episode and of my reckless behavior, he knows of my suicide attempts and my episodes of anxiety or depression and knows of that I loved a boy named Elliot as he would hear me cry out at times, he knows that something horrible happened in my childhood and that it resulted in death but doesn't fully know everything.

Now that I think about it, I'm a monster.

I have lead him on in many occasions knowing deep down that I couldn't, I even declared my feelings to him that day that I got drunk and slapped him. How selfish and idiotic of me.

"I realized that this has to end because I don't want to hurt you in any way, I am not the girl for you and so I can't go out with you not even on a date, in fact i don't want too see you anymore"

I say with little restraint or control as I stood there emotionless. Truth is I was trying hard to cry or run away. In this moment I felt like my body was on fire and the urge to barf was intense. He has been there for me when I would fall apart, he would even go as far to help me clean up after a drunken state, he has listened to my worries, he has even picked up late at night. He has been more than an employee, he has been a friend and recently he has made me feel alive again. Hurting him was my last desire yet I know he's hurt.

"Very well then Melody".

He says in a low tone as he clinched his jaw tightly just before he cleared his throat,  "goodbye and I hope nothing but the best for you because you might not think you deserve happiness but I do, and sadly I was willing to give that to you, good luck miss Melody and it was a pleasure to be your butler". He says as he lowered his gaze and walked past me and opened the front door. He hung his head low as he kept his hand on the door and says in a low tone. "I have fallen for you but I understand goodbye". With my back turn from him, I heard him step out and closed the door behind him.

I stood there feeling like I had just made a horrible mistake yet the fear of it all was by far greater than anything else. I blink away teardrops as I stepped towards the couch and sat there looking at the roses. Klaus stepped out and sat down next to Mr.

"Are you okay?".

He asked as I sat there thinking of what I just did. "It's like I'm drowning and I feel sick not the same way I felt when i let Elliot go".  I say in a panic as my voice cracked and tears began to fall. He took me in his arms and let me sobbed until I calmed down enough to breathe again.


A few days later i found myself under an endless doom of heartache that never truly heeled.

I recovered from my mental state of sadness and I stopped drinking and doing drugs, I officially moved in with Klaus once he got an apartment and by the end of October we were living together, by the end of November I tried to live my life however I could but the fact that I can't even go outside without people looking at me or being scared that they would contact my mother made it harder to be happy. By the end of December it got dark again and I once again tried to end it only this time I landed in a mental institution for a few weeks and when I went home to Klaus I hardly talked.

By the end of January 2020 I bumped into Lola and she revealed to me that Elliot will be returning soon and that he had disappeared because he's disease nearly killed him, but that he still loves me and wants to fight for me no matter the cost.

By the end of February I left town without anyone knowing except Klaus. I came to the conclusion that I couldn't fall back into the insanity with Elliot if he truly did returned and I need to be free from everything that held me back. I even when to Elliot's brother grave and pleaded for relief and forgiveness, however relief didn't came. Hoping leaving would bring hope and happiness back into my life was my priority.

Yet the nightmare never ended.


End of book one 🫶

Thank you so much everyone for the support and I'm great full for everything.

Book-2 coming soon.

This book was started in 2020 and was completed in 2024. As I rewrote the ending.


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