The day we met.

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My best friend Sidney came running to me with the biggest smile and gave me a hug. Sidney: heyy Avery how are you doingg?. I was at a field meeting my new team for the new season. Yess im great actually i said. Sidney told me about her day and that she had waited al day for this evening. The New season that will start will start 2 weeks later. Our team came together and we talked about how we should play this season, We chose the numbers that we wanted to play with, i immediatly said i wanted to play with six cause it was my fav number and it got writhen down on paper by my coach, Sidney got number 8 and the other girls on the team got their New number for this season. Later this evenening the whole club got together and we sat at some picknick tables, i sat with some friends, we were talking about some things about last season and what we can do better. When it became darker we just talked about stupid things like boys or about our schools or just funny things that had happened the last year. Then i looked around and i saw a guy sitting at a bench that i havent seen much at our club, he had beautifull blonde hair, a cute smile and a silver necklace around his neck, then he looked at me and i saw some beautifull blue eyes where i could stare hours in. I flinched and realised i have been staring at him for like a minute or something. He laughed and gave me a little sign that i could sit next to him, i told my friends that i would come back later. When walking to him i became a little nerves. I sat next to him and he told me his name and how old he was, his name was Liam and he was 18 years old. We began talking about our lives and everything when i noticed talking to him was really nice and comforting.
He gave me compliments about my looks but also my personality what made me secretly blush. He had a cute but also a kind of flirty personality, but i didnt mind. even he was 18 years old and i just turned 15. When it became later i got a text of my dad he couldnt make it to pick me up to go home. I started to stress a little cause i didnt know how i would supposed to get home. But Liam was reading with me and offered to give me a ride home. Aw thank you i said. When the end of the evening was coming everyone started to walk to the parking spot, so i said my friends goodbye and told them Liam will bring me home. They became curious about him, but i told them i will tell them everything at the next training. As i walked with Liam to the parking spot i asked him where his car stands. "Car? Ahah im with my motorcycle so you can just hop on behind" he said. My heart skipped a little beat, i told him i never drove on a motor, but he calmed me down when he said he was with me and i could hold on to him.
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I know a small chapter, next time it will be longer, i just dont have many ideas right now, and im kinda busy with school. Also could you guys help me to chose a sport for avery? For in te story.

Already thanks and i will see you guys soon ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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If Life Whas A Book, Meeting You Was My Fav ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now