Chapter 3- Happy

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          "Welcome to your new home." Red says out loud. Duck doesn't answer, he doesn't even acknowledge  that Red even is there. Instead he just kicks and punches the air. Red is obviously confused. "Eh- Welcome to your new home, Duck." He still didn't acknowledge him, and just continued punching and kicking the air. Duck then stops and yells "When I find out what you did with Red, no matter how evil or nice it was, I'll find you and I'll kill you!!!" That's when Red realized that Duck was in the weird grey fog that Roy made, It was just invisible to him. Red then slowly walked up to Duck and patted him on the shoulder to snap him back into reality. Surprisingly, it worked! "Red! You're ok!!" Duck jumps into Red's arms. "I thought I'd never see you again!" "I'm glad we're reunited. Now, as I said before, welcome to your new home." Duck looks at the house and says "Oh, yes! It has our names!"

" Duck looks at the house and says "Oh, yes! It has our names!"

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          "WHAT?" Red was confused again. "Is something wrong, Red?" "Y-Your name! It wasn't there before! H-How did that happen?!" "It must have happened while you were distracted, either that or you're just daydreaming." Duck says. "But-... Come on, let's go inside." Red and Duck go inside. They then find out that all of Duck's stuff is in there. Red is now completely shocked. "How- What-" Duck looks at Red. "What?" "Your stuff wasn't here either! R-Remember your weird clock that sang to us right over there?! Well, behind that it said 'product by Lesley'!" "Maybe Lesley put my stuff here!" Duck says, finding nothing weird about what's happening. "WE DON'T EVEN KNOW ANYONE NAMED LESLEY!" Red yells. Usually, that would unintentionally scare Duck, but not this time.  Duck just stood there, crossed his arms, and looked angrily at Red. "...Why are you looking at me like that?" "Cause you're being a dick!" Duck says as he slaps Red on his leg. "OW! Ok, can we just... forget this ever happened?" Duck nods. "Ok, good. Come on, let's go to the kitchen. 

          Red and Duck sit down at the table. "What are those things in front of you?" Duck asks. "Steak sandwiches with only spinach in them. Here, you can have one. Red hands Duck one of the sandwiches. "It smells good! Is it like some sort of candle? I don't see a wick anywhere." Red laughs. "No, it's not a candle! You eat it!" "Eat it? What does eat mean?" Duck asks. Red stops laughing. "Are you being serious?" Red asks. "Yes, I don't know what eat is!" Red sighs. "Ok, just repeat after me." Red then takes a bite of his sandwich, and Duck does the same. Red chews and swallows, Duck does the same. "Ok, what next?" "You do what you just did over and over again, until the sandwich disappears." Red says. "Really? This eating thing is that easy?" Duck says. "Yea, pretty much." About 15 minutes later they finish eating. 

          Red looks at the time on his phone, which says 10:00. "I think we should go to bed now." "What? But I just got here!" Duck says. "It's getting late though. How about we check out the town tomorrow? I don't even know what town we're in." Duck groans. "Fine." Red and Duck walk into the bedroom, which neither of them have seen. "Ok, the green bed must be your bed, and the red bed must be mine." Red says. "Ok. Well, I hope you have a good night. Sleep well." Duck says. "Alright, you too." "...Red? Is there perhaps a night light in here? I know that's a silly question, but-" Red turns on the lamp next to their beds. "Better?" "Yes, thank you..."           

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