1989 (Taylor's Version) (requested)

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"Good luck out there, my love! Have a great show!" You excitedly told Taylor as you stood backstage with her.

You gave her a soft kiss on her cheek which, as it always does, brought a smile to her face.

"Thanks, baby. Are you staying back here or are you going to be in the crowd for the show tonight?"

"In the crowd, maybe." You replied.

"Okay. You'll have a great view for the surprise tonight then." She said as a smirk pulled at her lips.

"Surprise?" You asked as you furrowed your eyebrows. "What are you up to, Tay?"

"Nothing." She said as she shrugged her shoulders. "I just know you'll like this. It's going to be great."

You watched as she followed her crew and made her way on stage as the fans went wild, the entire stadium filling with loud cheers and screams.

You couldn't help but wonder what your girlfriend was up to.

Did she have a special surprise song planned?

Perhaps one of your favorites?

Did she have plans for a surprise guest to join her on stage?

Did she have some sort of announcement to make?

You couldn't help but wonder and the more you did, the more excited and antsy you became.

You decided that you would go out in the crowd for tonight's show and you made your way to the VIP tent where a few other people were.

You watched Taylor with proud eyes as she performed, which you always do.

You're just so proud of her and you can't hold back when it comes to making that known.

There's nothing in this world that could change that.

Perhaps there were a few things that should've made you catch on to what she had up her sleeve such as the unworn blue dresses.

She had them on during enchanted, during her folklore era, and during her acoustic performances.

But if that wasn't enough to tell you about it, her speech definitely would.

She stood on the stage with the brightest smile on her face as she gazed out at the crowd, her eyes landing on you in the tent.

"Well, here we are on the last night of the US leg of the era's tour in the eighth month of the year on the ninth day of the month." She spoke as fans continued to cheer her on. "There's something that I've been planning for a really, really, really, ridiculously embarrassing long time." She said, her smile growing as she watched you. "And I think instead of telling you about it, I just should sort of show you something."

And that's when you looked towards the big screens in the stadium.

Just in time to watch the 1989 (Taylor's Version) cover appear on them.

You gasped and placed your hands over your mouth in shock.

Taylor knows just how much you adore the 1989 album and even though you've been so excited to hear all of the albums that she's been working so hard on re-recording, your excitement for 1989 was inexpressible.

The album got you through a lot of hard times in your life.

It brought you joy, it brought you so many great memories, and it was truly a fantastic part of your life.

It's very special and very sentimental to you.

So to hear that Taylor was going to be releasing that one next felt almost too good to be true.

You knelt on the floor as you let it all sink in.

Taylor knows that you were a fan of hers before you began dating and she knows 1989 changed your life.

And to think that now, you'd be experiencing the joys of her re-recorded version, the version she would finally own herself, brought you both a lot of happiness.

Taylor was all smiles on stage.

Her fans were so overjoyed.

She knows that 1989 is a fan-favorite of hers and she can't help but feel as though she might just burst with happiness just thinking about how happy everyone will be knowing that they were going to relive this wonderful time all over again.

But nothing made her happier than seeing your reaction to it.

You were genuinely shocked but also obviously very happy.

Taylor could see just how much this meant to you and it made her heart swell.

"Are you okay?" She mouthed to you, her grin bigger and brighter than ever.

"I can't believe it! I just can't believe it, Taylor!" You mouthed back to her. "Thank you!"

"I can't wait for you all to hear it. October 27th, 1989, my version, is coming to you." She spoke. "And I don't think anyone is happier than my girlfriend right now."

You lowered your head as your cheeks began to heat up and giggles left your lips.

"I'm so excited for you all to hear it. I love you all so much."

She looked at you again and your eyes met hers.

"I love you most though." She smiled.

"I love you even more." You said back to her.

You almost felt as though you could cry from how happy you felt.

You were about to experience all the joys of 1989 all over again but this time, even better.

Because you'd be able to enjoy every second with Taylor this time around and, even more special, she would finally own her work.

Her hard work.

Her terrific, wonderful, beautiful work that means even more to her than it ever could to anyone else.

And that was the most special thing in the world.

You could only hope that October 27th would get here soon because you could hardly wait.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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