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Your also at the triplets house

{ your pov }

I had just woke up to find Chris still on my stomach asleep. I then slowly got up and went to the bathroom doing everything I need to do in there.

Once I got done I went back to the Chris's bedroom and slowly crawled back into bed. Once I got into bed Chris kinda woke up a little bit and pulled me back over to him.

I then heard Chris sniffle. He then got out of bed and grabbed a tissue blowing his nose.

"Shit, I got a sinus infection"

"I'll get you some medicine"

I had said getting up out of his bed and went to the kitchen. When I got up there I got some medicine and went back downstairs to his room. I then walked in and handed him the medicine.

He then took the pills and laid back down pulling me back over to him. He then put his head back on my stomach. He went back to sleep while I went on my phone waiting for him to wake up.

Sorry this is a short one

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