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"What do you mean you're pushing back the date on that shipment with Vasquez?"

"It's exactly as I said," Liz snips. "You of all people should understand, Rhea. And the DEA raid last night doesn't exactly help the situation," her eyes narrow.

No! She can't push it back. Our sting would be the end of my assignment as an Agent. I'm supposed to be done. I want to be finished with this.

According to Niall, one of the DEA agents, who's a part of the task force, got a tip about the warehouse. The DEA jumped the gun and didn't communicate with us. Granted, they were never thrilled about the FBI being a part of their case and they never got over it. SSA Morgan and the Bureau are pissed.

"But, we h-"

"I," she emphasizes, "made the decision. You have no choice in the matter. Just do as you're told, Rhea." I'm ordered in a way in which I know that Liz is finished and not explaining anymore. What she said is final. "Why are you even here?"

"What?" Confusion laces my voice. "What do you mean? You called me here."

I'd been happily somewhat sleeping when my phone rang this morning. Snuggled up on Harry's couch, Zayn's raspy voice buzzed in my ear. "Liz wants us at the club."

"What?" Liz mocks me. "You know exactly what."

What is she talking about?

"You know what, Liz? What is your problem?" This time my voice comes out louder than expected and she and Zayn look at me with wide eyes. "You've been acting weird towards me for weeks..."

"Rhea," Zayn urges and my hand raises to stop him.

"No. I've kept my mouth shut but this is getting ridiculous. How long is this going to go on? You cut me out; stuck me in the back of the club; you won't let me in meetings; you said that the warehouse location changed and I knew nothing about it."

"Rhea, you're acting like a child. Not everything is about you," flicking hair over her shoulder, Liz's eyes narrow.

"This is about me." My palms lay flat on her desk and when I lean forward, Marshall shifts behind Liz. "I'm not stupid. You think it's me. You think that I'm the one who's been messing up everything. And it's not! I haven't done anything but you're treating me like I have. I've been nothing but loyal to you. And where is Simon? Are you even looking for him?" A nod from Zayn is my reply. "I told you to talk to Lucy because they were close so maybe she has an idea about something. Did you do that? I would have done it but you put me on "leave" or whatever that was." Liz makes no movement and only stares at me with a rested face.

"Don't, Rhe." Again, Zayn urges and again, he's ignored.

"All of this is fucking bullshit! I nearly died three times in like two weeks. I'm being followed around and threatened. Someone was in my house and took videos of me while I was asleep. I should be the one who thinks they're being set up," my hand slams onto the marbled acrylic surface.

Just as I've had enough seconds ago, so does Liz because she's visibly reaching her limit.

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? Do you really think that if I wanted you dead so badly that I would go through those lengths, when I could've done it at any time? If I wanted you dead, you'd already be dead. You should know that by now."

This, I've already known. But to hear the words from her causes me to pause. Her verbal response confirms how replaceable I am. But I know better than to show any resemblance of shock or fear in front of Liz. Instead, my features remain stoic.

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