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In this story you have epilepsy. If you don't know what epilepsy is it is where if something flashes you get thrown into a seizure, or every so often you'll have seizures for no reasons.

{ your pov }

Me and the triplets was in their living room while watching a TV show. We was on the 3rd episode. I had shook Chris and he looked up at me.

"Can you get up I have to go to the bathroom"

He then nodded and got up. I then got up off the couch and went to the bathroom. After I got done in the bathroom I walked out closings the door behind me. (Idk why I'm making y/n use the bathroom almost every imagine)

Once I got out of the bathroom I went to the kitchen and got something to drink out of the fridge. I sat my drink on the counter and got on my phone for a second.

As I got off my phone I looked up at the TV and there was flashing. Nick was the only one sat up and he looked towards the kitchen to where I was at. He had notice that I started to twitch a little bit.

"Oh shit"

Nick said as he grabbed the remote and paused the show. Chris and Matt then looked in the direction that Nick was just looking in and seen me.

Chris and Matt jumped up and ran over to me. Matt was ahead off Chris so that means he grabbed me first and he laid me down on the floor.

{ Chris's pov }

I was watching the tv show that we all had put on. I heard the bathroom door shut then it opened back up a few minutes later.

I then heard y/n walk around and then the fridge door open. I then heard her start texting someone then turn her phone off.

Then the tv show started to flash. I then see Nick out of the corner of my eye look towards the kitchen. He then said

"Oh shit"

He reached for the remote quickly pausing the TV. Me and Matt then looked over to the kitchen and see y/n twitching. Me and Matt then quickly got up and ran to the kitchen.

Matt had got to the kitchen before I did so he grabbed y/n and laid her in the ground. I then quickly moved everything so nothing was in the way. Matt was sitting on the ground with y/n laying in his lap.

I don't care if they do it as long as it is for her seizures. Y/n then started to shake and Matt had a hold of her so she wouldn't move as much. She was holding on to his shirt.

"I completely forgot she has seizures"

I had said after a couple seconds. Nick then came over to me and rubbed my back. After she was done having her seizure. She laid there for a few minutes before she moved her head and looked at me.

{ your pov }

"What the fuck happened and why am I on the ground?"

I had asked since I was confused on how I got there

"You had a seizure"

Matt had said and I look up to him. I then sat up and Matt helped me sit up. Chris then came over to me and helped me stand up.

"You okay?"

He had asked me as he pulled me into a hug


He then helped me walk over to the couch. We then sat down as Nick brought a water bottle over to me.
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