A Thousand Paper Cranes

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I'll be changing the format on how I'll be writing future chapters!

'words' --> thinking

"Words" --> Talking


Japanese tradition, folding 1,000 paper cranes, gives a person a chance to make one special wish come true. The crane is believed to live for 1,000 years, and that is the meaning behind 1,000 an individual needs to fold.....







It was a quiet autumn morning in class 3-D. You can hear the birds singing while cold wind blows into the near empty classroom. Where is everyone anyways and why is the classroom near empty? 

Well, the only one in the classroom is no other than Kiyoko, sitting at her seat folding origami paper cranes. Everyone else was at home.

' Today's weather is so cold that schools all around Japan are closed for the day. Please stay indoors or wear more layers before going outside. Back to you, Trent.'

The weather forecast lady announced at 6 in the morning earlier that day, but sadly, Kiyoko had already arrived at school. So much for being an early bird...

The school was still open for those who wanted to study in the library, but of course, 3-D being class 3-D, no one showed up.

Kiyoko couldn't go home as her parents were out of town, and her grandmother was visiting a relative until the evening. She didn't have a key as someone was always home to open the door. Today was her unlucky day.

'A thousand paper cranes doesn't seem too hard to fold,' Kiyoko thought while folding her 106th crane. It was only 8am, and she was on a folding streak.

"Gomen! I'm late!" Yamaguchi sensei yelled while running into class. She looked up to see the only girl that was in the class.

"Yamaguchi sensei, school is cancelled today." Kiyoko awkwardly pointed out.

"Oh.." Yamaguchi sighed as she sat  down tiredly.

Yamaguchi sensei jolted up. " Wait, then what are you doing here?!"

"I can't go home cause I'm practically locked out of the house." Kiyoko replied while folding a red crane.

Yamaguchi Kumiko just stared at Kiyoko as a comfortable silence engulfed them.

"Kiyoko-chan, did you know that folding a thousand paper cranes and make a wish, it comes true?" Kumiko stated.

Kiyoko's eyes sparkled at the new information. 

"Really?!" Kiyoko asked with a curious expression.

"Yea! Let me help you so we can both make a wish!" Kumiko suggested while taking a piece of origami paper.

They began folding at lightning speed.

After a few hours, it was noon. Both ladies were still folding at were only halfway through.

The door of the classroom slides open, and in comes Sawada Shin, Kuma, Noda, and Minami.

"So what your grandmother said was true." Minami said while walking in.

"What are you guys doing here?" Kiyoko asked.

"Kuma bumped into your grandmother and asked why he wasn't in school with you," Sawada said while sitting beside Kiyoko.

"Whatcha two doin' ?" Noda asked while picking up a paper crane.

"We're making a thousand paper cranes so we could make a wish!" Kiyoko exclaimed excitedly.

"You really believe in that?" Noda asked curiously.

"Never hurts to try." Kiyoko defended while folding the 568th crane.

There was a sudden movement beside Kiyoko. She turned to the side and saw that Sawada had picked up a piece of origami paper and started folding.

"Like what she said, it never hurts to try. Who knows your wish could come true." Sawada stated while folding cranes.

Seeing their so-called "Leader" start folding, they call came to an agreement to just help.

After a good few hours, the school day was about to end. The sky is starting to darken as street lights start to turn on.

"And........1000!!" Yamaguchi sensei pumped her fist into the air in pure joy.

After a whole day of hard work, finally their work paid off.

"But..who will make the wish?" Minami questioned.

"Since it was Kiyoko-Chan's idea, let her make the wish!" Yamaguchi suggested.

"Yea Kiyoko-Chan! What are you going to wish for?" Noda asks.

Instead of an answer, Sawada smacked the back of his head.

"Dumbass, if she says it out loud, it won't come true." Sawada rolled his eyes while Noda was trying to soothe the pain.

"Well, I wish...." Kiyoko closed her eyes and clasped her hands together.

Everyone looked at her curiously, wanting to know what she wished for.

"Alright! Let's head home! My grandmother would be worried!" Kiyoko exclaimed before dragging everyone out of the school.

Together, they walked towards the mail street.

'I wish that everyone would lead happy and healthy lives'
Hello! It's been a while, right? I hope to enjoy this chapter, not much Sawada and Kiyoko moment but more is to come in future

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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