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Chapter 11 A wealthy old man in a wheelchair (11)

"Ayou? Why are you back suddenly?" Mrs. Qin asked directly when she saw Qin You coming in, "Aren't you at work now?" "Mom, I came here when I heard the news." Qin You walked straight towards Mrs.

Qin He went over, then took off his coat and handed it to the nanny to hang aside. He rolled up the white sleeves, revealing his smooth muscular forearms.

Qin You stopped when passing by He Liangfeng and ignored Qin Zhi who was sitting on the side. He stood next to He Liangfeng and looked down at He Liangfeng who was sitting in the wheelchair.

"Mr. He, long time no see." Qin You stretched out his hand, seemingly wanting to shake hands with He Liangfeng politely, but his body was straight, his hands were raised high, and his eyes were slightly lowered.

Given the height at which He Liangfeng was sitting, unless Qin Zhi bent down, he would have to raise his hand very high. Now it was obvious that relatives and friends wanted to use the handshake to give He Liangfeng a good look.

Qin Zhi suddenly felt a little ironic when he saw Qin You's behavior. You are eager to stir up trouble before others do anything to you.

Moreover, Qin You's operation was really disgusting and made him want to vomit. Qin You didn't bend down, so he could use carelessness to explain his problem, but if He Liangfeng didn't reach out, it is estimated that when they left the villa, they would be widely publicized that He Liangfeng looked down on others.

Qin Zhi's eyes fell on He Liangfeng's hand. Sure enough, He Liangfeng was patient now. Ever since something happened to He Liangfeng's leg, many people wanted to see this young CEO embarrassed.

Qin Zhi put his hand on the table and tapped it with his fingers. Then he sneered: "Brother, when I saw you, I suddenly thought of something."

"What?" Qin You asked reflexively without thinking, but suddenly he frowned, why didn't he notice that Qin Zhi was still bothering him? The shit stick is nearby.

Qin Zhi stood up with his hands on the table, and then walked towards He Liangfeng. He stood behind He Liangfeng, put one hand on the handle behind He Liangfeng's wheelchair, leaned forward, and then stretched out his hand to hold Qin You's hand. hand.

"Of course... you look down upon others!" Qin Zhi slowly exerted force on his hand, and then said with an annoyed look on his face, "Hey, look, brother, don't be angry. I have never had good grades since I was a child. Suddenly, I forgot the meaning of this sentence."

"You won't blame me, will you." Qin Zhi said with an innocent face, and then looked at Qin You, but his face really seemed to be upset that he had said something not nice. .

After He Liangfeng heard this sentence, he quickly understood what Qin Zhi meant and couldn't help but laugh. Doesn't this mean that Qin You is a dog?

Others also instantly understood what Qin Zhi meant.

Especially Qin You's face was livid, and his hand was still held by Qin Zhi. Why didn't he notice that Qin Zhi's hand was so strong before? He almost cried out in pain, but in order not to lose face, Still, I could only endure the pain and hold on.

Qin You struggled to pull his hand out of Qin Zhi's, but Qin Zhi applied force the moment Qin You moved. He would not let Qin You break away easily, but it would not make it easy for him either. , and more importantly, it won’t leave any scars.

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