The house

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While me and zack were looking at the house we saw a pair of eyes looking at us. From what we kmow no one was home at the time so we got so scared we ran to his house.

We told our parents and they just said "you just imagined it. It did not happen at all. yall are just tired." So that night me and zack went to bed and at breakfast we told each other what we dreamed about. Later on that day the two went across the street.

When we got there we started to talk to the kids. The first kid is 13 yeaes old and her name is abbey and her brothers name is Ben and he is 11. While we were there they told us about there house. Abbey told us "yea our house is haunted. Do you want to know why it is haunted?" "yea we do" i say kind of scared.

"Ok once therewas an old man that lived here befor us. I guess he got sick or someone that was close to him died or something like that. But he got very upset about it and he hung him self. Guess where he did it" me and zack both said " where". "Well he hung him self in my room and was found by his next door neighbor. Since then this house has been haunted." Zack was like "wow your not scared to sleep in here" "no im not. What do you think Emily?" "That sounds so scary i would not live here if that was me".

The next day abbey went to ask emily if she wanted to have a sleepover at her house. "Sure let me tell my parents" "ok". A few minutes later emily says " they said yes". So the girls went to abbeys house and just played games and watched movies untill bed.

Sorry this chapter is so short the next one will be longer so please vote and comment. Like i said this is my first book and not th at good at writing so sorry if it is crap

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