Anxiety attack

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{at the place the triplets are on tour}

{ your pov }

Me and the triplets were backstage waiting. After about 20 minutes the triplets had to go on stage. I was backstage watching them to the point where I couldn't be seen at.

They was talking when the crowd started to chant my name over and over. Chris then looked over at me and walked over to me.

"I know you don't want to go on stage, but at least go on there for like 5 minutes"

I then nodded my head. I grabbed his hand and we walked on to the stage. My anxiety was going crazy but I didn't think much of it.

After being on stage for 10 minutes I noticed it was getting harder to breathe.

"Hey I'm gonna go now"

Chris looked down at me and nodded his head. I then walked off the stage. Once I got to the back I sat down on the couch trying to catch my breath.

As I was trying to I noticed someone walk to me. I looked over and seen Chris. He didn't say anything and sat down next to me and pulled me in a hug.

"Hey, it's going be to ok. Just breath with me"

He then started to take some deep breathes and I started to copy him. Soon I then calmed down I put my head in Chris's neck. He then started to rub my back.

"Are you okay now?"

He had asked me, I nodded my head


He stayed with me for a few minutes before he spoke up.

"I should probably get back on stage even though I don't want to"

I nodded my head and got off of him

"Are you going to be okay back here?"

"Yeah I'll text you if I need something"

He then nodded and kiss my head and then he walked back out on to the stage.
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