Slumber Party Panic

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In the Candy Kingdom, Jake was playfully chasing Lady Rainicorn.

Jake: Yeah, you think you're pretty way up there but I can get you!

Using his powers, he stretches to be on Lady's level.

Lady Rainicorn: (Sure, catch me if you can!)
*Translation from Korean.

Meanwhile, Max, Finn and Princess Bubblegum are in a cemetery with a table full of different chemicals. A crow sat on a nearby branch.

Princess Bubblegum: Alright. Let me just add three more drops of explosive diarrhea.

She adds the explosive diarrhea and a giant cloud shaped like a skull puffs out. Not a good omen.

Finn and Princess Bubblegum: Oooo...

Finn: Hey Princess Bubblegum, when we bring the dead back to life, will it be filled with worms?

Max shivered at the very thought of that. The pale skinned male crouched down and held the side of the table. He shivered nervously.

Princess Bubblegum looked down at him and smiled at him. She rubbed his head.

Princess Bubblegum: No. If my decorpsinator serum works, all the dead Candy People will look as young and healthy as you do.

Finn did a "Tarzan-yell" while hitting his hands against his chest.

Max stammers slightly, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment, and he glances down at his feet.

Max: T-that's good. I think.

He fidgets with his hands, unsure of how to react to Finn's enthusiastic antics but appreciative of the compliment.

Princess Bubblegum offers a warm and reassuring smile to Max, recognizing his nervousness.

Princess Bubblegum: Don't worry, Max. It's a positive thing.

Princess Bubblegum looked over at Finn

Princess Bubblegum: Pick up that platter, Finn.

Finn picks up a serving platter and open the lid, revealing a Candy Person corpse.

Finn: Old Mr. Cream Puff?

Princess Bubblegum giggled.

Princess Bubblegum: We used to date.

She the applied the serum. Mr. Cream Puff's corpse starts to glow and overflow with the fizzing serum. Max stayed close and hid behind Princess Bubblegum.

Finn: Something's happening! Come on, come on...

Princess Bubblegum: Work.

That was when the zombie Mr. Cream Puff arises and moans.

Max: Is that supposed to happen?

Zombie Mr. Cream Puff: Sugar!

Zombie Mr. Cream Puff then squirts serum out of his eyes and mouth.

Finn, Max, and Princess Bubblegum: Ew!

Zombie Mr. Cream Puff leaps into a giant test tube. The test tube falls and infects the whole cemetery. Zombie Candy People begin to arise from their graves.

Max: I don't this this is supposed to be happening!

Finn: What do you mean, the decorpsinator serum is working?

Princess Bubblegum: No, Max is right. They're not coming back to life--they're still dead! The decorpsinator serum--it's incomplete!

She rubs the head of a candy person that looks like a love heart.

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