🖤Doctors appointment🖤

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I woke up on Ellys boobs I'm favourite view. I hugged her even tighter I wanted her so much and I have her. I rubbed her belly and went under the covers. I kissed her belly and waited for them to move but there was nothing, I was sad a bit I kept kissing and suddenly I felt a slap on the back of my head. I opened the covers and she was still closing her eyes

You: don't wake em up they just started to calm down now
Me: but they're my babies
You: shhh
I snuggled in between her legs and tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't. I kissed her legs and waited for a reaction, but she was still sleeping.
Me: baby wake up
I kissed her inner thighs and she opened the blankets.
You: Enzoooo *pout* I wanna sleep please
Me: but I wanna-
You: no enzo we just had sex last night

She said closing the blankets and went to sleep.
I kissed up her thighs and on her clit ofc she was naked. I heard her sigh and opened the blanket again. She seat up and looked down at me, I smiled at licked it
You: stoppp babe just because you're up doesn't mean that I have to get up
Me: for fuck sake Elly can't I JUST have some fun with my wife
You: wife?! mhm I don't see a ring on it
Me: is this what it's all about a ring Elly
You: no never it's about you not doing your job as a man, the argument are just random sometimes... like this one
Me: gosh you shaved my beard off and I forgave you
You: ahh

She rubbed the side of her stomach but I was too concentrated on the argument that I didn't even react
You: you're making me forget our good days... one min we're argument and the next we're fucking each other's brains out
Me: so what do you want me to do
You: a sorry would do
Me: ok I'm sorry
You: that was not from the heart enzo and you know it
You: I want you to admit you're in the wrong for starting this whole war and- beg for my forgiveness
Idk8396  ( her/ his idea🥰🥰)
Me: Elly Alpin (his last name) im sorry for starting all this and I'm sorry for not being there for you when you needed me so please forgive me
You: *smile* mhm I think if you go on you're knees maybe
Me: I'm not about-
You: I knew it, you're not sorry
Me: I am Elly-
You: then beg *whisper*
She licked her lips and ofc I had no chose but to get on my knees. I got off the bed and went on my knees and begged
Me: Elly I beg for your forgiveness
You: that's so much better *smile*
Me: this is definitely feeding your ego
You: sure. Is.
I stood back up and went on the bed.
You: I've to make an appointment today
Me: ok for tomorrow??
You: maybe, it's been hurting a lot, my belly I mean, sharp pain and random bleeding
Me: excuse me? Bleeding? why haven't you told me this

You: I d-don't know
Me: we're going to the doctors now
You: I'm sure it's nothing we can wait until I get an appointment
I put my T-shirt on brushed my teeth while she was trying to convince me that she was fine. I gave her a hoodie and some pants to wear.
You: enzo
Me: brush your teeth, go on

I said taking her to the bathroom, after we were done we went to the car ofc she was a bit annoyed. But when we were in traffic she started feeling pain in her abdomen
You: Enzo I think something is wrong
You: ok babe we'll be there soon ok
It felt like hours later but when we got there she was fine now, everything went down but she felt weak and I felt so helpless.

Doc: so maam as we can see here this one
She moved it to the right side on her belly
Doc: this one it the most energetic one although the baby is little it can cause a lot of pain meaning a lil kick at the wrong places can cause pain.
Doc: and um the um the babies are ok, but if your blood pressure is consistently high we have a problem I have to say it but it's not gonna good.
You: I mean we've been having arguments but I didn't know it's gonna be that high
Doc: argument ya very bad for babies so if yall can figure it wouldn't be a lot on her.
You: can I ask a personal question
Doc: sure
You: can we see your baby
Doc: sure she's gonna be here next month
Enzo: congratulations
Doc: thank you

They exchanged places and Elly got to see the baby. Her smile said it all, I couldn't stop looking at her smile the way her glasses fell on her nose perfectly shaped face and her double chin the cutest thing In the world. I watched them laugh for a while just like best friends.
Elly: she looks just like you
Doc: my husband says that a lot
Elly: what happens if my blood pressure doesn't drop
The room got silent I watched her smile drop slowly.
Doc: wow um
She said removing the jelly off her stomach and she stood up then went to her desk
Doc: worst case scenario early birth BUT don't worry I will be with both of you through every step
Me: the girls will still be fine right
Doc: oh you didn't tell me they were girlsss
Elly: *giggle* he wants girls but we're waiting until they're born
Doc: my grandma always says a man know before you do
Elly: so did you see the gender already
Doc: yes I did that's the first thing I look at
Elly: so it is girls huh
Doc: you have to wait, remember
Me: *chuckle*

After the visit I could see she was still sad I took her to the car and I could see she didn't wanna talk she would just give me one word response.
Me: Elly
You: mhm
She looked up at me and her eyes started watering.
Me: do you wanna cry it out
You: *exhale* yes
Me: ok come here my love
She got out the car and I was so confused, she ran to my side already crying. I smiled at how cute she was. She came and I held her in my arms she was straddling me, I kissed her cheek and she was just letting it all out. I started the car and ofc I let her stay.
The end see yall chapter❤️🖤
Yall thank you for the suggestions buttt the other ones are too much I AM NOT killing the babies yall but I swear I'll make it fun for yall 😊😊 And to those that suggested something I'll tag you in the story and I hope you'll like the way I write it

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