🍋 Chapter 5: The hard truth

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🛑 Beware this chapter is label lemon so it will have adult themes (+18) in it. 🛑

Vivian's POV

I woke up, yawned, and saw the bright morning sun. I rubbed my eyes, looked around my room at the top of my tower, and saw the same old furniture. But there was one big change – my room was clean, thanks to Rui who must have cleaned it up.

As I stared at my room, trying to fully wake up, I couldn't contain my excitement, and I let out a little squeal.

I felt two pairs of large hands come in contact with my hips. It made my skin form some goosebumps. I turned and I was met with a kiss. It was a sweet tender kiss that landed right on my lips.

In front of me was none other than Rui. Who I forgot was right next to me. Both him and I were naked together in bed. My drowsy expression from earlier changed. Now having a bashful and embarrassed expression. My thoughts inside screamed at me after that kiss.

My cheeks felt instantly red and butterflies filling my inside when he sneakily attacked me!

His large hands that were on my hips pulled me closer to him. After our last night's make out session both our naked bodies were covered in blankets.

"Morning Vivi" Rui greeted.

The only thing I said back to him was "Hmph!" with a pouty face. Just how dare he show a bright smile to me after he sneakily kissed me. My mind and body is in literal chaos because of him. I can't help but feel flustered because of him.

This bird who I have been living with, sure had guts!

Now feeling a little petty in the morning I decide to wake up once and for all. I averted my eyes away from Rui's bright smiling gaze and began to search for my clothing. Behind my wooden night stand there I saw my purple panties on the ground.

I was about to grab it to wear but Rui pulled me back. My panties that were near were far from my grasp. With one swoop Rui's large hands lifted my whole body. He turned me around and my butt settled in his lap.

Rui, who was now in front of me, had pleading eyes. It was like he was asking for something from me but didn't want to say anything. I tried getting off of him but he held me in place. Both of his large hands grabbed on to my waists. I saw faints of red tinting on his flustered cheeks.

With Rui being a prideful male at heart, he held a lot of dignity. Whenever he was outside my bedroom he would usually act stubborn and truthful. However, sleeping in the mornings with him was strange because when he is inside my bedroom he is the opposite.

Rui is completely like an obedient puppy wanting its treat. His prideful persona would change into a sweet and affectionate orc.

The strict and nagging orc that I lived with for the past five months. Who I considered to label as a mom.. Wait no, a literal house husband who does all the housework. From cleaning, cooking, hunting, and most of all nagging! I tried helping out in the house but only to get nags on how I did it wrong.

"Vivi, stay with me~" Rui pleaded.

With his hands locked on my hips the only thing I could do was huff a sigh.

"Enough Rui, time to wake up" I said before pushing his face back as soon as I saw his lips about to kiss me.

I scolded him when he came closer to my face. Which made Rui frown a bit. I could feel his hands holding my hips tightly while those green eyes of his were soon beginning to fill up with lust. His dark blue hair that used to be wet and sweaty last night had dried up. Both our bodies were covered in our own body fluids.

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