○☆Hot Guy on the Streets☆○

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●Photos are not mine●

"Gah! Where did everyone go!?" Said a blond prince. He was frantically looking everywhere whilst walking. Said Prince was named Tamaki Suoh, and he had gotten separated from the group he was with and was now roaming the unfamiliar streets.

There were two odd things about the whole situation: one, he was in what looked to be a different neighborhood, which was more of a crime scene than the sunny calm neighborhood where his daughter/friend lived in. This neighborhood looked like a city from an American superhero show: Gotham City.

The other weird thing was that while he was walking, he felt as if someone was watching him, but when he turned around, nobody was there.

Tamaki continued to walk around, but as he was about to turn the corner, someone grabbed him and started making out with him.

Tamaki's POV:

I was walking down this creepy town, *sigh* lost, I was lost. This isn't the place a prince like me should be in! How did I even end up losing them!? Oh right, there was a lady selling this delicious commener food.

She said I could have a free sample, and I ended up buying 4 boxes of the yummy food. But when I turned around, the others were gone!

I panicked because I had left my phone back at Haruhi's house and had forgotten the way back. After I cried for a few seconds(minutes), I decided to go look for them but somehow made it here!

"I want Haruhiiii! AH!?"

I was about to turn a corner when this guy in a black hoodie grabbed me, pinned me to a wall, and started making out with me!

WHAT THE HELL!? WHY IS THIS GUY KISSING ME!? WHO IS HE!? My mind was racing with questions, though they stopped when I realized how soft his lips were.

They felt so good against mine that I didn't want to be separated from them. I don't know why, but I didn't want him to stop. God, he is such a good kisser.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw police men run past us, one of them saying, "He went this way!". As soon as they were out of sight, this mysterious guy broke away from me, sadly.

He looked in the direction the police men went in, "Ha! Suckers, police get dummer and dummer each time their up against me. " He said. I looked at him confused.

Was he running away from the police and used me as a way for him to hide himself? He started talking again, bringing me out of my thoughts, "I'm surprised you didn't push me away. Do you just let any hot guy kiss you?" He teased. "Of course not! And how do I know you're hot!? You could very well be hideous!" I shot back. This guy was a good kisser, but he was starting to annoy me.

He lifted his hands up to grab his hoddie and removed it, showing his face. "You were saying?" He said. OH MY GOD, HE WAS GORGEOUS!! PROBABLY EVEN MORE THAN ME!! I felt myself blush my whole face, going bright red like I did when I realized Haruhi was a girl and she wore the girls' uniform.

He had shiny (h/c) hair and pretty (e/c) eyes. Probably as tall as Mori-senpai, maybe even taller, and had beautiful (s/c) skin. His face had lots of piercings, one on his nose, and 3 on each ear. He honestly looked like a god. "Are you done staring or am I that good-looking~?". He spoke up, breaking the silence between us, his lips forming into a smirk.

But to be honest, I was barely paying attention to anything he said because I was still staring at his face. He could easily take away all of my customers, which made me mad.

I then muttered out something I wish I hadn't, "Hot. . .". He looked shocked at first but quickly recollected himself faster than I ever could.

"Heh, thanks, I get that a lot." After he said that, I got that uneasy feeling that I had felt before. Like someone was watching us, more specifically, ME. It felt like their eyes were piercing through me with how intense their watchful eyes were.

I looked around panicked because this time, it felt more intense than before. "Um.. does it feel like someone is watching us?" I asked. He paused for a second, then looked to the left. "Yeah, it does," He said.







"I know you're there, Xavier." Mr. Gorgeous said. What? How did he know who was there? He didn't even see the person.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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