Chapter 7:

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Italics means Navi Language

-a few weeks later-

Adina sighed as she avoided her bother.

He had been trying to talk to her but she kept avoiding him. She was still hurt by her brothers words about her son and Jake had still made no plan to save Spider.

She was currently walking along the beach trying to figure out a way to save her son when she heard someone call her name.

Adina turned and saw Tonowari walking up to her with a smile, one she couldn't help but give back.

"Hello Adina. How are you?" Tonowari asked as Adina smiled

"I am ok Tonowari." Adina said as Tonowari frowned

Tonowari stood before he blurted out the question that had been nagging at his mind.

"Who is Tsu'tey?"

Adina's head snapped up at the mention of her dead mate.

"Where did you hear that name?" Adina asked as Tonowari became confused

"Your brother. He said that Tsu'tey used to call you Eywa's animal guide." Tonowari said as Adina closed her eyes grimacing at the memory's of her love

Adina sighed, feeling Tonowari had a right to know before she spoke.

"He was my mate." Adina said with hurt and sadness as Tonowari's eyes went wide

"Your mate?" Tonowari asked as he looked to the female he had begun to care for

"Yes. We met when I came from the sky people's star years ago. I was given the body of a Navi and Tsu'tey taught me the ways of Eywa. Soon we mated before her. We had Lira and we adopted a sky person." Adina said, the last part shocking Tonowari to the core

"You what?" Tonowari asked in horror as Adina sighed

"His name is Spider. He was only 3 months old of when we adopted him. No sky person would take him nor any Navi. So me and Tsu'tey took him in. We raised him Navi. We offered opportunities for him to learn by the sky people and to be with them but he chose us every time." Adina said as Tonowari's eyes softened.

He could see the pain in her eyes. And he knew that her son was a good sky person. He could also see how much she missed the boy.

"He's my son Tonowari. And he is now missing because the sky people took him back. And I WILL get him back. He is my son. He owns part of my heart, as does Tsu'tey." Adina said as Tonowari sighed before hugging the girl.

"I understand. And I promise that he will be welcome here. I will not allow your son to be without you. Your his mother." Tonowari said as Adina hugged him back tightly

The two stood there in each others embrace before jumping when they heard a horn.

Adina confused looked around as Tonowari frowned

"What is wrong?" Adina as as Tonowari sighed

"It seems there is a hunting accident nearby. That horn only goes off when an Akula is too close to our shores." Tonowari said looking at the water as Adina frowned

"Then go. I will wait for you to get back. Some of the children of the clan wanted to play with me, so I can pass the time easily." Adina said as Tonowari smiled at the girl before running off to his Tursak and going into the water

Adina smiled before turning and walking to where the clan children were.

-later that day-

Adina laughed as she chased the clan children playing tag as they squealed and giggled.

Adina caught up to one who laughed loudly as she tickled her.

"I got you!" Adina said laughing as the child squealed and ran after her friends, trying to tag them.

Adina stopped and took a breath as she looked over the smiling children, missing her own.

"Your really good with them." A voice said as Adina turned.

Adina turned and saw Kaduor. (Photo above)

Kaduor was muscular, handsome, Navi. Many of the females in the clan desired him but he paid them no mind.

"I've always loved children." Adina said softly as she looked at the children with a smile, Kaduor looking at her with care.

Adina smiled at the Navi before the clan children ran past them, tripping them.

Kaduor landed on his back as Adina landed in top of him, straddling him.

Both stared for a moment before they broke into laughter. Neither aware of the male Navi watching them

The akula problem had been quickly resolved and Tonowari rushed back to see Adina. Unable to find her, he searched until he came upon her and saw her next to Kaduor and watched as they tripped and she landed on top of Kaduor, both laughing

Tonowari felt jealousy course through his chest as he hissed and walked forward

"Kaduor!" Tonowari spoke firmly with hints of anger as the Adina and Kaduor looked up and scrambled to get to there feet.

Kaduor went to speak but faltered at Tonowari's glare

"Go attend to the fish." Tonowari commanded with anger as Kaduor ran off to do so

Adina watched and huffed, looking at the angry Navi

"Tonowari why were you so harsh?" Adina asked as Tonowari turned to her angry but quiet, and Adina could see the emotion in his eyes

"I do not feel anything for Kaduor you know." Adina said as Tonowari looked up hopefully

"Truly?" Tonowari asked quietly as Adina smiled

"Truly.." Adina said softly before she gathered her courage.

Walking close to his she leaned up and pressed her lips to his.

Tonowari's eyes widened before he deepened the kiss, eliciting a moan from Adina.

Tonowari growled into the kiss at the noise she made as a pleasurable shiver went down Adina's back.

After a few minutes, needing air, the two broke apart breathing heavily, both smiling as they held each other, swaying slightly

"I see you Tonowari. I give you my heart. Part of it now belongs to you. As it belongs to my children, my past love, and your children." Adina said softly with love in her eyes as Tonowari smiled widely

"I see you Adina. I give you my heart. It belongs to you. As it belongs to my children, my past love, my sister, and your children." Tonowari repeated as Adina smiled, the two reconnecting their lips.

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