Goblet of fire

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We where sat down in the great hall as we watched people put their names in the goblet of fire it was kinda cool

I saw Cedric walking well to be fair he wasn't walking he was instead getting shoved by his friends

He put his name in,he looked at me and winked followed by a smirk I swipe back shyly
Pansy who just saw the whole interaction

Began shaking me while giggling like a 5 year old I roll my eyes

My idiot brothers jog in by the look on their faces I can tell they have done something stupid

"We've done it lads cooked it up just this morning" they say while high-fiving everyone around them

"It's not going to work"Hermione says cockily yea and why's that granger she goes on and explains the age line blah blah blah blah blah

"So" George says she snaps her book closed before aggressively placing it on her lap

"so Dumbledore couldn't be that dim witted that his spell could dodge an aging potion"

"See that why it's "so pathetically dim witted"Fred and George take turns talking I giggle their heads snap towards me

And so do many others "the only thing that is dim witted is you if you think that's going to work" Fred glares at me I just innocently smile

"Sis shouldn't you be on another date with boyfriend George says"what was his name Charlie "nah I think it's Christopher"

I roll my eyes before responding "well go on then and when I get Fred's favourite hoodie for a month"

"What no!"deal" George shoved him slightly Fred rolls his eyes(sassy much) "fine" he grumbled

They jumped into the age line with no consequences "ready" they say in unison they put their names in

For a second I thought it would work then the goblet started spitting fire

The boys get flung backwards I look at them to see they have grown old and wrinkly also growing white long beards

"You said" Fred says in an enraged voice no you said" George retorts back they tackle each other

They began to have an actual fight as everyone chants fight I roll my eyes at everyone's immaturness including my brothers

The hall goes quiet and the the door burst open victor krum had made a big entrance for no apparent reason

he put his name in the goblet of fire exchanging looks with Hermione my eyes widen I shock at what just happenped

"What was that" I say nudging Hermione she just shrugged practically ignoring me

————————time skip——————-

We were now all sitting in the great hall waiting for the Champions to be selected

"Now the moment you've all been waiting for the champions selection" Dumbledore says as dims the lights

People watch in anticipation practically jumping out of their seats as they watch Dumbledore walk over to the goblet

The blue flame turns red before spitting out at piece of parchment he opens in before reading out

"The Durmstrang champion is victor krum" all his friends cheer for him Pansy whispers to me "ten galleons says that he wins"

"Pansy I'm literally poor where am I going to get the money"I whisper back in disbelief she rolls her eyes before cockily saying

"fine if you win you get galleons if I win you do my homework for a month" I look at her for a moment

"Fine but let me here my options"I say

Once again the flame turn red as a parchment spits out falling perfectly into Dumbledores hand

"The beaxbatons champions is fleur delacour" i roll my eyes in announce knowing she'll never win I mean don't get me wrong girl power and all but I don't think ballet will really help her out here

The final flame turns red I close my eyes as he reads the parchment

"The Hogwarts champion is Cedric diggory"
I smile clapping and cheering loudly for Cedric he looks over at me and gives me a warm smile

Before standing where the rest of the champions

"RIGHT NOW THAT WE HAVE OUT THREE CHAMPI-" Dumbledore was cut of by the flame going red again

The flames are more fierce than the other which was weird it spit out another parchment

He mumbled something before pausing

"HARRY POTTER"Dumbledore shouts in pure rage "of course its potter" Draco whispers causing me to jump

"where the hell were you guys" they look at each other "don't worry about" Blaise says nonchalantly

"I-wel-yo-you cant-just-"I stutter terribly before groaning and rolling my eyes

"Now everyone to bed!up you get pip pip."Dumbledore says hurriedly

The boys practically sprinted out the hall and to their rooms

They were acting really suspicious I'm going to get to the bottom of whether they liked it or not

I feel like the last like was hella. Cringey but idk and what do you think the boys did

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