Part 1

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!This story is completely fictional and has nothing to do with their real lives!"

"Jungwonnn.. wake- UP!!!" Sunoo shouts, struggling to pull jungwon out of his bed. "Five.. more minutes.." Jungwon mumbles. "WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!" Sunoo screams, he's on the verge of crying out of frustration. "Leave me alo- OOF" Jungwon lets out a groan of pain. "Hah thats what you get" "Well you didn't have to jump on me!" Jungwon says glaring at Sunoo. "Well the other methods weren't working. Now hurry up or we're gonna be late to school!" Sunoo says hopping off Jungwon and scurrying to the bathroom.

As the two were walking to school, Jungwon felt the urge to tease Sunoo, "Hyung, you walk like a penguin." Jungwon chuckles. "I do not." Sunoo side eyes him (bombastic side eye) "Yes you do! You're waddling just like one!" Jungwon was never seen again... JKJK continuing.. Sunoo just pouted, "ok ok, im sorry hyung" Jungwon apologizes while takes Sunoos hand into his and kissing it dramatically "ewww cmon just walk faster" Sunoo says, dusting Jungwons kiss off his hand. Jungwon rolls his eyes and follows his hyung.

"I can't believe we actually made it before the bell rang" Sunoo says happily digging through his locker. "Well, the bells probably gonna ring in a few. I wish we had more classes together though.." Jungwon pouts. "Me too but I gue-" Sunoo was cut off by a loud bang behind him. He turned around and saw the last person he would've wanted to see today. "Well, look who it is." Riki smirks "You're later than usual, what gives?" "None of your business, Nishimura." Sunoo gives Riki a glare. Riki grabs Sunoo by the collar, "Trying to act all tough huh? You know you'll never win against me. You're weak." Sunoo squirms in his hold, when suddenly the bell rang. "Saved by the bell. Don't expect me to be nice next time I see you." Riki hisses. He drops Sunoo and walks away. "Sunoo! Are you ok?" Jungwon kneels down next to him. "Im sorry I didn't help, I was so scared I felt like I couldn't move." Sunoo sighs. "It's ok Wonie.. let's just go to class." Sunoo gets up and walks away.

"Ah, Kim Sunoo. Take a seat." Professor Jin tells him. Sunoo scans the room, and to his horror, there is only one seat left. It was next to Nishimura Riki. "Fuck!" Sunoo mutters under his breath. "What was that young man?" "Nothing! Sorry sir." Sunoo awkwardly walks toward his seat and sits down. He takes a glance at Riki find him already staring at him. Riki smirked. "Well well well, if it isn't Kim Sunoo." Riki grabs his wrist and holds it tight. Sunoo winces. "Ow! Stop!" Sunoo tries to get out of his grip, but to his misery, he fails. "I told you I wasn't being nice next time I saw you." Riki then let go and poured water all over him. Sunoo's eyes started to water. He abruptly stood up and stormed out of the classroom, leaving everyone shocked and confused.

He ran through the hallways sobbing, not caring the weird looks he was getting. After what seemed like forever, he reached the bathroom. He got into a stall and slammed it shut roughly. "Why me? Why does it have to be me?" Sunoo sobbed. Suddenly, knocking was heard outside of the door. "Hello? Who's in there?" Sunoo could've recognized that voice anywhere. It was Sunoo's ex. 'Wait.. but I thought he was in jail?'.. Sunoo thought. Sunoo's ex, Ha-Joon, had been arrested for sexual harrasment and assault to multiple people. Sunoo had not been a victim, he had broken it off after he had witnessed Ha-Joon assulting a woman outside his window. That night, Sunoo had rushed downstairs to try and help the woman, but when he got out they were already gone.

Sunoo immediately wiped his tears. "Nobody! Leave me alone!" "Sunoo? Is that you?" Ha-joon asked, pounding on the door. "No! My name is uhm- uhh- Hwan! Yes Hwan."

I don't believe that, Kim Sunoo.

AHH FIRST CHAP! Im sorry if I published late, I've been really busy. Enhypen concert is in 2 days!!! Is anyone else going?

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