𝐀𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤

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The sun waved goodbye to the campers, leaving a trail of lilac and orange hues in its path. Far below, trekking through the Isla Nublar jungle, were the campers. Darius led them to a clearing at it, where four gyrospheres sat.

"I call dibs on this one with Yas!" Sammy grinned, grabbing Yasmina's arm and pulling her to the closest gyrosphere.

"I'm going in this one," Ben said, going to the gyrosphere furthest away.

"That new gyrosphere they were making would have been pretty useful now," Kiara whispered to Darius, watching her brother look between one of the empty gyrosphere's and Ben's gyrosphere.

Brooklynn sighed dramatically and grabbed Kenji's hand, dragging him to a gyrosphere; "If you can't pick, then I will!"

Kiara and Darius glanced at each other and smiled.

"Just like last time," Darius said with a chuckle.

Kiara giggled, nudging his arm, "You bet!"

They entered the last gyrosphere, but as the doors shut, it dawned on Kiara that the vulgar yet sickeningly sweet stench of rotten meat that Darius had drowned himself in hadn't left! She covered her mouth and nose to block the stink, gagging. Kiara turned away from Darius so he wouldn't realise he still smelt so terribly. Still, he noticed her weird behaviour in an instant.

"Kiara, are you okay?" Darius asked.

Kiara quickly nodded her head, but the dino-nerd wasn't convinced. Darius leaned closer to Kiara, and she glanced his way. They froze, faces inches apart. They blushed, but Darius's strange expression was too much! Kiara burst out laughing, and Darius leaned back, nervously joining in on the laughter.

"Sorry, sorry!" Kiara breathed, "If you had seen the look on your face!"

Darius rolled his eyes, but he was reminded of why he had come closer in the first place. "Do I still smell? You were covering your face just now," he said.

Kiara stopped giggling and smiled sheepishly, "Yeah, sorry... It smells like you left an anaconda cage by the heater overnight... Worse even!"

Darius stared at Kiara, mouth agape, and she smiled apologetically. "Yeah, I don't think I'll be going out searching for food again," Darius said.

"How come?" Kiara asked, looking at him quizzically.

Darius sighed and tapped her nose, and she quickly understood. The two suddenly yelped as their gyrosphere jolted left. They whipped around to see Kenji and Brooklynn cackling in their gyrosphere.

"We haven't got all day! Come on! We wanna see what Brimford's hidden," Brooklynn exclaimed.

"Sorry, sorry!" Kiara and Darius said meekly.

Darius took hold of the gyrosphere's joystick, pushing it forward to follow the other campers who were further up ahead. When they caught up, the two of them felt the strangest sensation. It was like the ground was trembling in trepidation! A dark shadow was cast over them as the rumbling worsened.

The two kids looked up, only to scream in terror as a large object veered close. The gyrosphere shot forward as the thing slammed into the ground behind them. Kiara looked back while Darius looked around in awe, spotting the beasts, causing the world to shudder. They were brachiosauruses!

"Wow," Darius breathed.

"Double wow," Kiara whispered.

They glanced at each other with a grin when Kiara screamed. Their gyrosphere crashed against Sammy and Yasmina's, and they were thrown in circles from the rebound. Kiara grabbed the joystick to force their gyrosphere to stop spinning, and they soon slowed in a flurry of dust. Sammy and Yasmina flew towards them.

𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐒 - camp cretaceousWhere stories live. Discover now