"Leaving the Garten"

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After hugging him, you let go.
"Yknow Bittergiggle...why don't I take you with me?"

Bittergiggle was surprised by this. "Y-you would?" He says.

"Yes! Then I can have you with me all the time >:3"

"That's that's amazing...do you think maybe.....I can find my own audience out there...on the surface?" He looks at you with a sparkle in his eyes.

"I think anything's possible, I'm sure you'll find your audience."You give him a reassuring look.

"Oh my....I could finally be appritacted for my skill, my jokes, I finally won't be the joke anymore!" He said crying tears of joy. "Oh please please!! Take me with you!!" He said excitedly holding your hands.

You smile at him lovingly "Whenever this elevator gets fixed." *holds the gear out for him to see* "Hm...but the Sheriff is by the elevator, I don't think he's be too fond of me associating with his most wanted criminal."

"Right...." *looks down ashamed of himself*

"Hmm maybe I can distract him for you! And fix the elevator myself and we can dicth this place! I don't want to spend another minute here."

"Ohh I like that idea!" Bittergiggle looks excited as he says this.

"I'll tell him the queen wants to speak with him again and you hide while I'm speaking with the sheriff."

Bittergiggle nods and awaits action.

[~5 minutes later of walking~]

You walk around the kingdom while Bittergiggle was hiding around the corners trying not to be spotted, since he wasn't allowed there.

You approached Sheriff Toadster ready to confront him. "Hey sheriff." Sheriff Toadster turned over to you "Heya,Partner, you got the final gear?"

You inform him the Queen wishes to speak with him. He nods and leaves the area, when he leaves you signal Bittergiggle to come out from hiding.

"Aliright Bittergiggle, let me fix this real quick"

[~2 minutes later~]

"Wow, that was...surprisingly fast." You let out an exhausted sigh. Bittergiggle responded to your comment "I'll say, how'd you learn how to fix that?"

"Leanred from a friend of mine..."

"Well your very good at it" Bittergiggle says as he smiles

You then spot the Sheriff coming back here. You panicked quickly pushing Bittergiggle into the elevator. "We gotta move!" You say.

Bittergiggle said "oof" when you pushed him.

You turn on the elevator and it starts moving upwards slowly. The Sheriff is surprised by this "Partner what are you doing with him??! He's our most wanted criminal!"

The sheriff tries to catch Bittergiggle but fails as the elevator was too high up for him.

[You both successfully make it to the upper floors]

"Wow I'm glad that's over, right Bittergiggle?" You look up at him.

"Yeah..I'm glad too.."

"I can't wait to get back to my family once again....except....my child..." You look down sadly once again.

Bittergiggle looks down at you and quickly tries to comfort you.

"W-would a joke take your mind off of that?<:)" He smiled sweetly and lovingly at you. He truly did care for you.

"Sure..gimme what you got..." You say with a blank voice.

"Hehe~ okay, you'll love this one, I'm sure of it! What do you call a sleeping dinosaur?" He looked at you eagerly waiting for a response.

"I dont know, What DO you call a sleeping dinosaur?" You raised an eyebrow.

"A dino-SNORE!Hehehe!!!!~" The Jester laughed like it was the best joke in the entire universe.

"Oh you silly goose, you're jokes always cheer me up!" You smile lovingly "I just love this side of you you're so sweet!!~❤️ "

Bittergiggle blushes embarssed "W-well, I'm delighted to hear that.I-I try my best..."

You found him and his embarssment adorable. "You've been so comforting, I hope we can explore together and have adventures together as freinds.."

Bittergiggle blushes again this time a little more. "A-and you've been nothing but caring and considerate to me...even willing to watch me redeem myself...I...I truly didn't deserve you..♡"

Bittergiggle was eager to spend more time with you, since you were one of his only audiences and people who actually liked him for himself.

"And maybe...we can be..."

"more than freinds...."
He muttered the last sentence quietly as he was too shy to say that outloud.

"What was that Bittergiggle?" You turn your head curiously.

"A-ah! It's nothing! D-dont worry about it...now, how about we leave like you said we would.."Bittergiggle was obviously very flustered after that, so he quickly changed the subject back to the original topic.

"Oh yeah, let's us go.."

Then you both walk out of the Garten....

Fallin In Love With A Jester&lt;3[Bittergiggle x reader](Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now