Diary Entries

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A/N Mention of suicide

Wednesday, June 8th

The world around me has become so overwhelming. Even the walls seem to close in on me when I am here alone. I can't focus on anything, just the swirling thoughts in my head that continuously gnaw at me pushing me further and further into a dark abyss. I think of self-harm, but that only seems to make things worse. I find myself gasping for breath and trying to fight off the feelings of despair that threaten to consume me. Nothing I do is enough and all I want to do is make it stop.

I think of suicide often. I can see the dark tunnel slowly closing in around me with no way of escape. I am so desperate for a way out, and suicide seems to be the only way. It scares me to think of taking my own life, but it also has a certain sense of calm to it. The thought of no longer having the pressure, stress and pain sound like a reprieve.

I am so scared, but I also feel so lost. Everyone around me seems to be so happy and content but I struggle to find that same level of joy and understanding. I am so isolated and alone, and I fear that will never change. I am done trying, done fighting, done praying that I can make it through the tunnel and find the answers I desperately seek. Maybe suicide is my only way out of the darkness that threatens to consume me.

Dear Diary,

Today, I am at my absolute wit's end. I don't believe that I can do anything right, that I'm good for anything, or that I can be happy. Life has been a long sequence of mistakes and regrets, sadness and crushing despair. I thought things would get better this time around, but they only got worse. I can't tell the people in my life how I'm really feeling. They wouldn't understand, and I feel helpless trying to explain it anyway. I can't seem to shake this feeling of hopelessness and worthlessness once it starts. Nothing I do can break my cycle of depression, and I don't see any way out. It's too hard to keep fighting when I'm never going to win, so I'm considering suicide. It's a difficult choice to make, but in my mind, it's the only solution. Maybe I'll be at peace when it's all over.

Dear Diary,

They say life is full of choices, but some days it feels like there's no choice but to enter this darkness. It's like I'm in an inescapable cage, slowly suffocating from the combination of overwhelming sadness, guilt, and hopelessness. Every single day is a battle, throwing me into a paralyzing exhaustion. I know the people around me love and care about me, but I just don't have the energy to keep fighting. I feel like I'm a burden on them anyway. It's like no matter how much they try to help, they can't quite understand the intensity of my situation.

I have no one to turn to for the kind of healing I need. I'm alone in this and I'm so scared. I feel like I'm a fish trying to breathe out of water, and I can't because I'm not made for the outside world. This emptiness is so heavy and oppressive, it keeps dragging me down to a place without hope. No matter how hard I try to search for answers, nothing feels like enough. I keep finding myself exhausted and reaching for some kind of escape.

Early on I felt like I would eventually find the rainbow after the rain, but now I'm just so tired of standing in the pouring darkness. I'm ready to close my eyes and let go, but something still holds me back. I don't want this pain to haunt the people I love. I don't want to hurt anyone, but most of all I don't want to hurt myself. I have no idea what I can do, so I'm stuck right here, desperate for something to save me.

Yours, Jack

Dear Diary,

Today's been a hard day. I feel like I'm in a deep, dark abyss with no way out. I know I should be thankful for my family and friends who always love and support me, but I can't seem to feel like that or be happy. Everything in my life seems so overwhelming and I'm not sure where to go from here.

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