Name Dante Lustifer
Birthday :08/28/1997
Looks like:
Adoptive Father:Apolo
History: Dante was a "normal" making some trouble here and there but nothing much but in a day he was going to school(A.K.A. Santa menefreda)he saw a hellhound and as a totally normal person would do he try run away but we all know a 9 years old child would be never able to run away from a hellhound,and got catch by it but in some way he was able to survive,very injured but alive,and Dante was trying to get back home but couldn't do it,and there he got knocked out for something,when Dante wake up he was in a strange place(half-blood camp) suddenly him hear a voice on his right just to turn and see a boy taller than him(Dante was 5'1 with 9 years) and that boy asked "I never have seen you on this camp,so,who are you?"....
Height: 9 years old:5'1 ||| 17 years old:6'26