Lesson episode: Teaching in the Secret Garden

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Ash the 7 year old boy slowly opened his eyes and stretch before getting out of bed

Ash left the room and head to the kitchen but to his surprise he saw Bianca and Grandpa Lorenzo

"Happy birthday!" Both saying that at same time causing Tia jumped, not expecting him to be up so soon

"Thanks guys!" Ash said as he ran over and hugged his family tightly

As the hug ended they decided to go out for breakfast at a Pokéhop. Ash gotten 5 large stack chocolate chip pancakes while everyone else got sausage and eggs.

After breakfast Lorenzo said the festival was happening this week so all four of them decided to walk together to said festival, Tia holding Ash's hand along they way. Ash never knew why Tia always held his hand but he didn't mind it since she was the closet person he knew (Bianca being a close second). As they arrived they saw many booths around full of games so they decided to split up. Tia goes with Ash and Lorenzo goes with Bianca.

"So which game would you like to go do first?" Ash asked Tia curiously.

"Let's try the ball game!" Tia signed excitedly.

They both ran over to the ball game and Ash being Ash decided to do the nice thing and try to win Tia something for herself. Tia absolutely loved a little Latios plushie but in order for him to get it he needs to knock down all the cups. With a throw he hits two stacks of cups easily like he's a pro pitcher and he threw another ball at last stack of cups, almost all of them went down but one stood defiantly. All of a sudden that last cup glowed blue and decided to fall over causing Ash to win the plushie.

"Huh" Ash says aloud wondering how in the world that cup fell down.

Latias on the other hand was giggling like a Lovable Person because she might or might not have knocked down the last set of cups with her Psychic.

After a couple more hours of playing and having a great time they decided to meet up with Bianca and Lorenzo, who were already waiting for them.

"What took you so long" Lorenzo ask curious on where they've been.

"Yeah Tia what did you and Ash do together~" Bianca asked Tia teasingly.

Tia lit up like a firework and Ash being dense as ever (bless his heart) was completely oblivious to it, and blankly stared at Bianca causing her to giggle.

"Well you must be hungry for lunch, follow me I know a place." Lorenzo said causing Ash's stomach to grumble in protest over the lack of food.

While on their way to the secret spot Ash began to wonder about his surprise and and when he would be shown to him but his wondering began to stop when everyone stopped at a dead end in a alleyway.

"Which way next Grandpa?" Ash asked

"Well Ash, we go straight through this wall" Lorenzo stated calmly while Bianca and Tia push him though the 'wall'.

As he was pushed he prepared for the impact but nothing came, instead he felt warmth all over as he passed straight through the 'wall' with ease. Ash looked around not knowing where he was. He was in a dark hallway and at then end of said hallway was sunlight so being the explorer that he is decided to, well explore. At the end of said hallway he saw something that blew his mind. A huge garden filled with Pokémon all over with trees as tall as the buildings and pathways for people to walk on them. He decided to go down a pathway (unaware he was being followed by Bianca, Lorenzo, Latias and Latios) and he found himself at a swing set.

For some reason this swing set called him over so he decided to sit down on said swing set and start to swing happily, laughing along. Then something caught his attention. He didn't know what it was but it was calling him so he got off the swing and follow his gut feeling and that brought him to a pedestal filled with water with a small beautiful jewel in it, he wanted to pick it up but then someone called out to him.

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