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The rest of the day was a breeze, no more detentions given out

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The rest of the day was a breeze, no more detentions given out.

But now the only thing Matilda could think about was her detention.

She sat silently through dinner, listening to Maxine, Pansy, Tessa and Rebecca all talk about whatever they talk about.

Sometimes she would chime into the conversation, for example.

"So what exactly did you get detention for, Mattie?" Tessa asked as she finished swallowing her food.

Matilda rolled her eyes and put down her knife and fork.

"For being a couple of minutes late.. I mean, it's ridiculous really," She began ranting. "Me? The highest in our class, getting a detention? God, I really hate Professor Snape."

Everyone at the table went silent, staring at Matilda.

Her face became flushed. "What is it..?" She asked.

"Ahem.." Professor Snape said, standing tall behind her. Matilda quickly turned around and faced her teacher.  "May I see you for a moment, Ms Lively?"

She quickly cleared her throat and excused herself from her table.

Awkwardly, they both walked out of the Great Hall, next to each other.

"So..?" Matilda asked as they stepped outside.

"So, I have a favour to ask you," Professor Snape began.

Matilda nodded.

"Mr Riddle has been falling behind over the past year, and he hasn't improved.. As you are indeed the top of your class - as you previously said - would you take any care in tutoring Mr Riddle?"

Matilda opened her mouth to immediately say no. But she didn't.

Instead, she looked down to her feet, and back up at Professor Snape.


"Excellent. We will arrange everything on Saturday after detention.." Professor Snape shooed her away, back into the Great Hall.

Matilda took her seat back with her group.

"Are you in trouble?" Asked Rebecca.

"What happened?" Asked Tessa.

Maxine stared, intrigued.

"I'm fine.. I need to tutor someone, that's all." Matilda shrugged and picked up her knife and fork.

Maxine leaned back. "Boring."

The others just shrugged it off, and continued their conversations.

Sometimes Matilda wished she had friends.

Friends that listened to her.

Friends that would read with her.

Friends who talked to her.

Friends who needed her.



sorry for the short chapter it's sort of a filler (if you will) . please lmk how your enjoying the book so far. also am i moving to quickly? 

also i have a tiktok account where i post edits of this fanfic so please check it out !!


𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐀 ,, 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐨𝐜 Where stories live. Discover now