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Matilda didn't return back to the compartment, infact

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Matilda didn't return back to the compartment, infact. The entire first day she avoided everyone.

Until she was approached by Maxine in the corridors

"Back to school party in our common room tonight, your coming,'' She said as she grabbed Matilda's shoulders excitedly.

She laughed. "Ive never been to any of these party's before, what makes you think I'll go now?'' Matilda asked, as she tried to shove her away.

"Because, your getting your first boyfriend this year,'' Maxine giggled. "Or girlfriend!'' She corrects herself.

Matilda scoffed and she headed to her dorm. "Even if I do go, which I'm not,  what would I wear?''

Maxine squealed, "I have so many options for you! And I'm sure Pansy will help too,'' She said in excitement. "Let's go, party starts at 8pm, we have two hours to get you ready!'' Maxine said as she pulled Matilda to her dorm.

"Hey, I never agreed!'' She yelped as she was being dragged.

Maxine purposely ignored her and kept rambling on about how good she was going to look tonight.

"You have natural beauty sis, but let's make you pop a little bit more,'' Maxine said as she rummaged through her drawers for makeup.

She pulled out some mascara and a concealer, "That'll do.'' She handed Matilda the mascara.

"I have mascara on,'' Matilda said, confused.

Maxine scoffed. "One tiny light coat? Yeah I don't think so, at least three coats.''

Hesitantly, Matilda began coating her already long eyelashes with mascara, being precise and not making a mess.

"And what's this for? I haven't got any blemishes?'' Matilda asked picking up the concealer.

"No, you also don't get any sleep. Look up,'' Maxine said and she took the concealer, twisting it open and applied small dots under Matilda's eyes.

Gently, Maxine patted the concealer in with her fingers. "Nice. Now what to wear..'' She thought out loud.

Walking over to her huge wardrobe, Matilda watched her sister pull out some of the most beautiful dresses she'd ever seen.

Finally, her eyes settled on one dress.

It was a deep green colour, with glittery straps.

"Max?'' She said as she stood up and walked over. "This one.''

Maxine turned around to face the mess of dresses she'd tossed on the bed.

"Merlin, yes!'' She exclaimed. She picked up the dress and held it against Matilda's frame. "This will fit perfectly, go get changed!''

Matilda smiled and took the dress into Maxine's bathroom. A couple of minutes later, she returned in the dress.

Maxine's jaw dropped. "You look amazing, Mills,'' She smiled.

Matilda rolled her eyes with a smile. "Don't call me that, Maxie,'' She teased. "But thank you.''

"Come sit, I'll curl your hair.''

Matilda sat down in front of Maxine's vanity, fiddling with her fingers.

"I have some goss," Maxine giggled as she began curling Matilda's hair.

Matilda laughed, "Go on.."

Maxine took a deep breath and prepared herself. "I think Riddle has a thing for you," she said as she curled another strand.

"Riddle? Whats that..?" Matilda asked cluelessly and she looked at Maxine through the vanity mirror.

Maxine gasped, shocked. "Mattheo Riddle, he was on the train with us..?" Maxine explains.

"Oh curly haired boy?"

"Yeah, him." Maxine laughed and continued curling her hair. "He defended you earlier, when you were reading."

Matilda shrugged her shoulders. "So what? He's probably just a nice guy."

"Ohh, Mattheo Riddle, nice?" Maxine laughed.

"Whatever, Maxie.."

𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐀 ,, 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐨𝐜 Where stories live. Discover now