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The pandemic was over, or that's what the health authorities declared. Even though it was over, the world wasn't rid of other germs. Everyday, new germs continued to circulate in the air, some more dangerous than others.

Having survived a dangerous pandemic, Grace knew the importance of taking precautions to stay healthy. That's precisely what Grace always did. She maintained a pantry stocked with hand sanitiser and face masks. Whenever she went out, she would don her face mask and carry a small bottle of hand sanitiser, almost as if she were gearing up for battle, prepared to face any potential threats. While many people in the city were relieved to no longer be required to wear face masks, for Grace, this change posed more danger. People were now inevitably spreading germs through their mouths and noses and touching their germ-covered hands to their faces.

Grace had to visit her local public library to return a book she now proudly declared as her favourite. It was a captivating tale of a sea voyage in another world, and she couldn't wait to dive into the next book in the series. Her curiosity burned as she yearned to discover how the story would unfold further.

Face mask? Check. Hand sanitiser? Check.

Grace was prepared to venture into the germ-filled world. A mere five-minute tram ride would take her to the library, where she would return her book, retrieve the next one, and then return to the safety of her meticulously clean, germ-free apartment. In her mind, nothing could go wrong. Having survived a global pandemic that had claimed the lives of millions, she felt her immunity was as resilient as an elephant's hide. Additionally, she attributed her strong immunity to the herbal remedies she faithfully took.

Stepping out of her apartment building, she glanced in both directions—left and right. The streets appeared surprisingly empty. While the tram did have passengers at noon, there were fewer than usual during this time of day. Her plan was to dodge the lunch hour rush, when office workers typically swarmed eateries across the city. Apart from that, she resolved to do her utmost to minimise contact with the few individuals sharing the tram with her.

Grace had been working from home ever since the pandemic hit. Her boss had been kind enough to allow her to continue working remotely even after the lockdown restrictions were lifted, a gesture for which she was always grateful. It gave her peace of mind, knowing she could carry out her office job comfortably and safely from her home, away from the uncertainties of the outside world.

It was a tense 30-minute journey before she finally returned to her apartment, successfully avoiding the chaotic lunch hour rush. As she stepped inside, her loyal companion, Pal, a golden retriever, greeted her warmly. Grace was meticulous about Pal's hygiene and made sure he wore appropriately fitted dog shoes whenever they ventured outside. She was determined not to take any chances and risk Pal bringing back any germs into their home.

Grace hurried to her bathroom, where she washed her hands with soap and warm water. After splashing some water on her face, she returned to her bedroom to change into fresh clothes. Upon inspecting her outfit, she decided it was still clean enough to wear again without washing, so she hung it in her wardrobe on the far left side. With her hygiene routine complete, she was now ready to immerse herself in the book she had borrowed from the library. Her day was going smoothly until her stomach began to rumble, reminding her it was time to eat.

Looking at the clock, she decided that she would prepare lunch, 'tuna pasta salad'. The ingredients were combined one by one, delicately forming the dish she would have for lunch. As she focused entirely on the food preparation, Pal entered the kitchen and let out a barked. Grace looked at Pal and left what she was doing and attended to his needs, pouring his dog food into one dish and water into the other. Pal dove his nose into his food and devoured it as if someone might snatch it away. Returning to her own meal, Grace tried to recall if she had missed anything. She realised she had forgotten the black pepper and salt. She just needed to sprinkle those two seasonings, and her food would be ready to eat.
Sitting at the dining table, Grace began eating the tuna pasta salad with a fork. The food was delicious, and she thought that a chef would approve of the dish. She was pleased with herself. Half of the food had been eaten when a sudden tickling sensation tingled in her nose. She tried to ignore it, but it refused to go away. Was a sneeze coming? She had been very cautious when she went outside, taking measures to avoid contamination as much as possible. Once home, she had cleaned herself and changed into her home clothes. It must be the black pepper, she thought.

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