The Orbit That Surrounds You - A 3k word Oneshot

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Phil and Techno were excited to say the least, Wilbur was finally coming back onto the ship after a month long mission!

They stood by the doors waiting for Wilbur to come back.

After what seemed like hours they saw a tall figure with blue curls which they immediately recognised.

Upon seeing them Wilbur speed walked to the ship, that was when they noticed Wilbur was holding something's hand.

Once Wilbur reached the entrance of the ship they finally got a good look of who he was walking with.

It was a blonde boy not older than 16, he looked human but looks can be deceiving.

"Hello!" Phil said, mostly directing the greeting to the blonde.

The blonde just shyly nodded his head in Phil's direction before pushing himself closer to Wilbur, gripping the brunette's hand impossibly tighter.

"Hey guys," Wilbur smiled, glancing at the boy at his side before looking at the others.

"Who's that?" Techno asked, pointing at the boy and tilting his head slightly.

"His name is Tommy, he is a human I met on the mission," Wilbur started, "and I will be keeping him" he finished, a sense of finality in his words.

Both the other aliens just nodded.

Wilbur walked over to the meeting room, Tommy still gripping his hand.

The blue haired one gestured for the others to follow as well.

Wilbur pushed the door of the meeting room open and found a place to sit, Tommy immediately getting a chair next to Wilbur.

Phil and Techno sat on their own respective seats.

Nobody brought up Tommy, they just started talking about the mission.

Right after discussing the mission Techno asked, "So where did Tommy come from?"

Wilbur sighed before speaking, "I found him alone, he had no one so I took him with me, I want him to stay with us, I've actually came to be quite attached to him"

Phil and Techno nodded, they knew enough to not take away something Wilbur was attached to.

"Where will Tommy sleep?" the blue haired asked.

"Oh, there's a room right next to yours he can take, I'm sure he doesn't want to be far from you" the older blonde said, "I'll show it to him now if you'd like"

Wilbur nodded, getting up. The youngest immediately copied him and latched onto his hand.

Wilbur guided Tommy and himself out of the room. The pair followed Phil and watched as the oldest sprouted up a vine that opened the door.

Tommy looked inside the room and carefully walked in, pulling the blue haired alien along with him.

He noticed the room was very simple, just a bed and a desk, nothing much to it. There was also a window that looked out to the stars, he supposed that was nice.

The reminder he was not trapped on land, he was free-r than he has ever been was nice.

Being among the stars was nice.

"You okay to stay in this room sunshine?" Wilbur smiled.

Tommy showed the smallest hint of a smile. Sunshine. He couldn't lie but being called sunshine made him happy. Being someone's sunshine made him happy.

He nodded and Wilbur detached their hands, Tommy immediately frowning at the gesture.

Phil watched this whole ordeal with a proud grin on his face.

The Orbit That Surrounds You [SBI]Where stories live. Discover now