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Professor Snape requested to see Mattheo later that evening

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Professor Snape requested to see Mattheo later that evening.
Uncertainly, Mattheo agreed to meet him.

"You asked to see me, Professor?" Mattheo asked as he opened the classroom door, to reveal a Professor Snape, stacking his shelves.

Professor Snape turned to face Mattheo. "Ah yes, come have a seat, Mr Riddle."

Mattheo slowly walked towards Snape's desk, finally taking a seat at the opposite side.

Professor Snape leaned forward and clasped his hands.

"I've noticed your grades significantly dropping over the past year. So, I've decided to take matters into my own hands. I have assigned you a tutor."

Mattheo nodded and was about to stand up.

"Ms Matilda Lively."

He sat.

"What?" Mattheo asked as he stared Snape in the eye. "Can I get another one?"

Professor Snape scoffed. "You don't get to chose, Riddle." Mattheo groaned and stood up.

"We will discuss this further on Saturday after detention, with Ms Lively."

Mattheo left Professor Snape's office, not happy with what just happened.

He stormed his way up to his dorm, in a huff. When he arrived he frustratedly unbuttoned his school shirt and throwing it on the floor.

He rummaged through his chest of drawers, looking for something to wear.

He grabbed a grey jersey with the name 'RIDDLE' written on the back.

Quickly, he pulled it on over his head. Changing shoes, Mattheo grabbed his wand and left his messy dorm room.

As everyone was in the Great Hall, he took this as an opportunity to go to the library for some peace.

He made his way over to his favourite section to sit. But there was an uninvited guest there.

"You again," he mumbled as he walked over.

Matilda turned around and look over her shoulder, to see Mattheo walking towards her.

She half smiled and went back to reading.

Mattheo stood awkwardly behind her chair and peeked over her head to see what she was reading.

"I wanted to read that.." he said in an annoyed tone.

Matilda closed the book over and placed it on her lap. "Maybe this school needs to get more copies then, huh?"

Mattheo chuckled and sat next to her. She looked at him.

He was just looking at the book in her lap. "Are we going to read or what?" He asked quietly.

Matilda looked away from Mattheo and back at the book. "Oh uhm, yeah." She quickly flicked the book open to the page she left off at.

"So why are you up here?" She asked as she found the page.

Mattheo ignored her for a moment. "To read."

Matilda nodded. "Right.. sorry."

They sat in awkward silence while she looked for the page.

"Why are you up here..?" Mattheo asked, to break the silence.

Matilda laughed, quite embarrassed. "Well erm.. My friends weren't really talking to me at dinner tonight. And to be honest, I'd very much rather read."

"Weirdo.." Mattheo chuckled.

"Your reasons not any better!" Matilda laughed, making Mattheo laugh as well.


help am I going to fast ?

𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐀 ,, 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐨𝐜 Where stories live. Discover now