Droplets Of Rain

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I hear a familiar voice and look to see my two best friends talking in the front of the Jeep. Though I am sitting back with our luggage since we are moving to Forks, currently. Well, I was ready to move to a new place since, the three of us just graduated college and wanted to move to a small area since we were so used to the city. I think college was the worst decision I could've made since all you do, is sit, study, work, and repeat it all over again the next day. Then again, if I didn't go to college, I wouldn't have met my two best friends'. So, if I had to describe the both of them, it's sort of like water and fire since they both are different in so many ways. Let's see, Stacie is more like water cool, collected, and laidback. Though if Stacie is mad, then it's like fast going rapids in the water not stopping until the water slows down and is at a peaceful moment. That's the best I could describe Stacie one of my best friend's. Then next would be my friend, Anna. Uh, how can I put this she's like a fire that keeps burning, but if you try to put her out it's like pouring a flammable substance increasing the burning of flames till, they die down.


    "Sap. Sapphire!" Anna says to me trying to get my attention looking at me from turning her body toward the backseat to talk to me. I was looking out the window in the backseat watching the rain droplets fall and follow each other down. I look at her and say," you don't have to keep saying my name, because I already heard you once. I'm just tired and wanting this rain to stop." Anna turns her body back around and says to me, "If you just wait a little longer, you'll be fine, but I don't blame you the rain is a bit depressing in a way." I sigh and lay my arm on the window beside me. "She's not wrong, Anna." Stacie tells me as she drives in the rain in the Jeep. With all of this going on we all three needed a new atmosphere around us, and in general new experiences.


    We kept driving in the Jeep, and I noticed through the window there were bright, sort of dark evergreen trees all around us. Which was something the three of us don't see in the city, and it was nice for once. "I looked up this place on my phone and it said on Google," that this town is the rainiest place in the continental U.S.", Which is strange, but isn't Washington already rainy anyways?" Anna tells Me and Stacie as she looks on her phone in the Jeep in the front seat of the vehicle. I nod and say in a sarcastic tone," this place already sucks, can't wait to stay here." Stacie sighs and says," well at least it will be better than being in the city, where it's always busy." I nod and sit back in the backseat on the right of the Jeep. Realizing maybe, it's for the better we live in a place that's ours and maybe have new experiences just like Stacie told me. "Maybe, but I'm not getting my hopes up just, yet." I tell Stacie. Anna shrugs in the front seat and decides to turn on the radio. All I heard was just glitching and static since I don't know where we even are in Washington right now. I start to fall asleep with the thunder and rain being my lullaby to let me sleep. The thunder cracks loudly causing me to squeeze my eyes tight. One thing was for sure, storms were the things I liked, but at some moments I didn't since some sounds of the storm or how it looks scares or worries me about the storm going on. I've been this way since I was a kid, but as an adult now it's different yet sustainable for me.


    I finally start to close my eyes and feel a sense of peace. As I fall asleep, I started to dream about this beautiful place in a forest with leaves falling around me as I walk through them. The crunch of the dead brown pinecones, and leaves were satisfying to hear to me. The wind blew through my long brown straight hair and feeling the wind on my skin causing me goosebumps from the cold. I hear my name and look around me. I had to speak up and yell in the forest, "hello, how do you know my name?" No one answered, and I looked down thinking maybe I am hearing things. A man runs up to me fast who had red eyes that seemed like he had bright red jewel's glimmering in the light as if they were real jewels. His skin was mixed, but sort of a pale color which made him tan, like this creamy coffee color that was so delicate to me. Though I see the sun, shine through the clouds touching his skin making it look like diamonds that are sparkling so beautifully on his skin. He was wearing this leather jacket that had a silver zipper, that looked like melted metal crafted to a beautiful shine with its color. His pants were ripped black skinny jeans that were a little tight hugging his legs with a hole in them where the right knee was with the strings of the denim fabric dangling loosely. The way his golden necklace shined in the sunlight with a red blood colored jewel sparkled, and there was a symbol of a crest I didn't know on that necklace. It puzzled me, as I wondered what that crest with that chain attached meant with his necklace. He has this white tank top with red stains under his leather jacket he was already wearing, and the stains were fresh, and looked like red dark sort of paint or juice maybe. The man grabs my hand and says to me, "Mio amore." I smile which I knew what that meant. Which is, my love in another language in different parts in the world, but he had this sort of west coast accent. That had to mean he was from near California or at least around the mountains, or am I wrong? I had to think where this guy could be from, but before I could.


    I opened my eyes, and I was back in the Jeep where my two best friends were in the front seats in the Jeep, and I am still in the backseat. "Sapphire we are almost at a beach." Anna tells me. As I sit up I notice as I see through the window these beautiful evergreen trees, but there was a sign coming up. The sign said, La Push Beach. Which was the beach I guess Anna was talking about. So, I look through the window and see white sand, and a beautiful ocean with this blue color with a teal and white hues. I was amazed by my surroundings as I look through the Jeep window, and I couldn't believe how beautiful this place actually was. "Hey, were stopping at the beach, so we can stretch our legs." Stacie says to me as she drives and looks at me through the rear-view mirror. I nod and say to Stacie, "okay and good thing too. I was starting to feel cramped back here with all our luggage back here." As we got closer to the beach, I see wood tree branches on the sand and see the ocean through the trees moving slow with white foam.


    Then I finally felt the car stop and see the beach in front of us through the window. I unbuckle my seatbelt and open the Jeep door. I step out onto the sand and smell the salty sea air as I breathe in. I smile and say, "it's so beautiful here." Anna and Stacie step out the Jeep and onto the sand looking around. I walk up to the ocean as the current comes in and listen to the sound of the water as the foam sizzles on the sand. I close my eyes and listen the seagulls making sounds around me at the beach as the waves crash in the ocean. To think I missed all this in the city since my parents worked a lot and took me some places when they weren't busy of course. I open my eyes and see in the distance a guy jogging up to us. The guy jogs closer and I see dirty blonde shoulder length blonde curls bouncing, tan skin, hazel eyes, a blue hoodie, under armor shorts, and Nike sneakers. The guy jogs up to me, and the guy says to me, "hi, uh why are you on La Push Beach? It's Quileute territory, that's why I'm asking." I look up at him and he was much taller than me. Maybe, about 6 foot 2, possibly. I mean this guy is super tall and was so nice looking. I look away and say, "uh, we were just stretching our legs, since we just moved here." The guy nods and says to me, "oh, no wonder you don't know. It's fine, and I'm Adrien Masin Uley. It's great to meet you." Adrien holds his hand out for me to shake his hand. I look at his hand and shake his hand that's very warm to the touch. "It's great to meet you, Adrien. I'm Sapphire Rose Carroll, and those two girls by the car on the beach here are my two best friends." I say pointing to Stacie and Anna. Adrien laughs happily and says, "hey always need friends, right? Anyways welcome to La Push, you're going to be living on an Indian reservation based on my families' ancestors. Which it's cool, but we don't get many visitors out here." I nod and say to Adrien, "yeah I mean we moved from the city and it's a big change, but a good one." Adrien smiles and looks at Anna. Then when he looked at her it's almost as if he felt connected to her, but he shook his head. "I'm sorry for staring uh, she's just so beautiful." Adrien says about Anna as he blushes. Me and Stacie laugh at him a little at his reaction. Anna smiles and looks away. "Anyways, uh if you need anything we don't live too far apart so you can come find me if you need anything." Adrien says smiling.


    Adrien starts to jog away from us, and I look at my two best friends. I guess this means La Push will be a good place to be, and Adrien is so sweet that's for sure. Things are seeming to be better around here, well technically I haven't even seen our home yet. Though maybe it won't be too bad, right?

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