I have job to do.

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        It was a warm day, warmer than it had been for the last couple of week at least. You've always hated the cold. Luckily for you, things were about to get a lot hotter.

        "Y/n get down here now! You're father and I have something important to discuss with you!"She gets quitter and holds y/f/n hand. "And you aren't going to like it." 

       Your head whips up from hearing this, you look around and your eyes land on your clock and you flinch a little seeing how long ago you were supposed to be up. You had completely missed work. You get up and scramble around trying to get ready without your mom yelling again and maybe sneak out of the house and catch up with your boss and give him an explanation so you won't get fired.

    The door busts open with you almost falling onto the floor while hoping into your second pant leg.

     "I'll be right there! Just- ughh- give me a second!-"

     You fumble down the stair and finally arrive to your parents with an awkward smile rendering on your face. "What did you guys need? I was doing something really important yknow?"

      Y/m/n rolls her eyes and looks at you seriously. "Honey...we have given you chance after chance. But it just doesn't seem to get through to you exactly how much your father and I do for you. And about an hour ago, you boss called..."

   "Oh great! I was about to go talk to him about missing my shift today what did-" A hand meets my lips and the mood shifts drastically.

           "Y/n you were fired! Your father and I are too old to keep taking care of you! You have to go, take yours things and leave! A 27 year old should have a family and kids by now!"

       You feel your knees getting weak and tears form into you eyes. But looking around the room then seeing the disappointment in your mother and fathers eyes, you choose not to say anything and walk up stairs to shamefully pack your things.

            You finish up packing and walk down stairs to nobody even saying goodbye to you. However crying is not an option right now. Angrily opening the door and cursing the house you once lived in only an hour ago. You made a promise to yourself, you weren't going to be a loser anymore. You were ready to start you life. No matter who you hurt, or what it takes.

          13 years later Y/n is now 40 years old and a very well respected billionaire. After getting kicked out, you were homeless for 6 years, and you saw no way out, after years of slowing killing yourself, your body finally couldn't take it. Your arms ached and your eyes popped then your mouth foamed. You were going to die. Die a loser, like everyone expected from you. You tried to cry but you couldn't. Then you saw a light.

                                Present day:

        "I my papers now!" You scream and knock things over. "Everything has to be perfect for this new factory! I'm staking millions on everything to go perfect! What do you mean there's a forest in the way?! Why can't we just cut it down? Ugh you know what? I'll go down there myself and sort this out. What's the worst that can happen?"

       "But sir I highly advise y-"  I slam the phone down not listening.

    "Nobody ever says no to me. I'm sure with enough money I can get those trees cut down no problem."

         "What's the worst that can happen?"

            A/N: hey y'all I just wanna say that this is a very rough draft and if this was hard to read I appreciate feed back and corrections 🙏



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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