Chapter 23

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The Warden Gauntlet; the adversary and ultimate training tool with multiple paths up and down the mountain from the quick studying she did about the Order within the Annex to try and prepare herself for the inevitability of Yuven's expectations. Brutal. Harsh, but every Storm Warden Trainee ran it for the first time on their arrival to the mountain. Volcanic power kept the magitek running off its thermal energy in flames, with her own rippling underneath her skin when Fenrer took her up the first path.

Its main entrance was less than intimidating up close. A sturdy log bridge hung over a creek tearing itself through small divots in the mountain paths. On the outside, it appeared something akin to a rough mountain trail, but she knew better when it came to Yuven to judge something on the front of a cover. "He would hate that you're showing me this," she remarked as Fenrer stepped forward into the sunlight. Caught in the deep waves of brown hues of life and security which weaved into a wolven pin at his cheek, he leaned pushed his foot onto the first piece of log, bending his knee before withdrawing his leg and twisting to her.

"He doesn't have to know." Fenrer stepped onto the log, and she followed suit and crossed behind him. "Besides, I don't know what path he wants you to take. I'll just show you the one we took as Trainees so you know what to expect. It's just around the ridge." He swung his hand forward and pushed past the vines in the caress of stone. Adara followed after him, and came to a stop as he released the vines to cover the innocuous entrance. Oceanic songs danced on the wind and around the peaks and the distant archipelago of Haneka. "And I'll show you a quick way to the cave if you ever need time for yourself and the citadel gets too overwhelming." He headed for a weave of rope hauled himself up without struggle, sliding onto his knees. He waited for her on the edge, and she took her chance to climb, out of practice of exploratory ventures, but she crawled her way up to his side, taking his outstretched hand of help. Warm against her palm, she sucked in her lips when he continued on, pulling her to her feet before letting go too soon.

"Are you sure Yuven doesn't know about it? It's mainly him I'm worried about and his thought that sneak attacking me is a good training method." Adara walked beside Fenrer, where he showed her shortcuts around short, small courses which tested agility and strength. "He's been... even more abrasive lately."

"He's got a lot on his mind." Fenrer pushed his hand into a rune. It clicked and spun, and he stepped back when it rolled to reveal a tunnel, whose other side led into an outcrop. Water fluttered in the distance, a cascade from a higher point in the mountain, a possible connection to the cave he showed her and she faced the dark, wilted thorn of her heart and found the strength to step past its barb. "I could show you one of the hardest courses on the Gauntlet if you want. He will definitely be making you do that one if nothing else."

"Let me guess. Footwork based."

Fenrer opened his mouth, then bobbed his head. "It's not too far past this bend. We'll go through this first part, and then I'll take you to Maria so you can start training with her." He tucked his hands against his belt with a shy smile. "She'll teach you a lot more than I could about how to harness your inner primordial flame."

"I'm proud of myself for making Yuven throw his hands up in the air." Adara bounced closer to his side, and they slowed to a stop behind the sprinkling cascade. "Thank you for showing me this, at any rate. It's nice out here. Too bad the Trainees can't enjoy the view."

"We get to enjoy it." Fenrer smiled at her, then slid against the stone wall and onto his hindquarters. "Only when we weren't being observed by our Trainers though. When they were around we never got a break. Derelicts never give us any breaks so the entire Gauntlet is a test of endurance." He laced his fingers together and looked out into the flaming ocean, and she took a seat beside him.

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