Half a Dozen...Horses? Chapter 29

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Hey all this is bound to change somewhat and isn't edited so read it for what it is.

Enjoy and please vote and comment only a few more chaps and then we are done


Chapter 29...

Dani woke up, face pressed to a dusty floor, to the sound of a car door banging closed.  With a jolt she pulled herself upright and scrambled to the corner of the room, dragging herself through the dust.  The room was bare of any furniture, a blinded window allowed light to flitter into the room and the door stood open, through which Dani could see straight out into the warehouse beyond.  Cars lined the entire warehouse floor all neatly polished and awaiting collection.  Outside of the small room Dani was sitting in the place was pristine.  Large flood lights light up the goods below creating a clinically white show room laid out like candy for buyer.

“What the hell happened?”  A voice shouted from somewhere outside, Dani jumped and pulled herself out of sight from the doorway.

Devon answered just as she recognised the first speaker as James Colbert.  “What do you mean what happened?”  She checked over her body for injuries and was relief to find only small scraps and a few bruises that had already formed her ankle still hurt but nothing that would keep her from running and aside from her throbbing headache, nothing else really hurt.

“You were supposed to go there, kill the girl and leave, everything was planned perfectly, so they wouldn’t be able to trace it back to you, instead you brought her here and made me leave my home and drive down here to the middle of nowhere so that I can fix this mess.” James bellowed back at Devon.

“Listen here you old fart.  I don’t care about your silly little plans.  You want that bitch dead she will be dead, just I’ll be doing it my way, so don’t worry your pathetic little head about it.”  Devon snapped back. Dani could almost picture him towering over James with his brows drawn together in a vicious scowl, itching to smack the man across the room.

“They may be silly little plans to you, but they were made to keep us both out of jail, you arrogant shit!” James pressed on too enraged to back down from the ticking bomb that was Devon Kemp.  “How do you know you weren’t followed, huh?  What happens if one of those Doyle’s decide to come after you, what the hell are you going to do then?  Light up the streets with gunfire and then steal away in your stolen cars?“ ‘Oh score one for Team Lawyer’, Dani thought rolling her eyes.

“They are just a bunch of dumb cowboys, who pose no threat to me. No one followed us here,  I made sure, so there is no way for anyone to find us.  So quit blabbering, everything is fine.”  Devon added with a curse.

“Just a bunch of dumb cowboys, huh?” “Yes!” “Dumb cowboys,” he fumed, “you idiot, that boyfriend of hers is Special Forces, not some dumb cowboy.”  James shouted, his voice echoing back from across the warehouse.

“Oh really?”  Devon laughed. “It’s a good thing he’s dead then, isn’t it?”  He said with a sneer.    Dani felt her heart sink to her stomach; silent sobs began forcing themselves out of her throat as her tears slipped over her dirt streaked face.  ‘No!  Please God no!’  She silently prayed to the heavens above.  Movement in one of the skylights that littered along the roof of the warehouse caught her attention and while the two men continued to argue, Dani tried to make out what she was looking at through her tears.  James’ voice snapped her back to reality.

“You can’t get rid of me, he bellowed back at whatever Devon had just said.  I’ve read your file and I know how to get you off, I’m a Lawyer remember, a very good one at that.  But you have to get rid of the girl.  If you’re caught or seen with her you’re gone, lock up and throw away the key forever.”

Half a Dozen...Horses? Book 1Where stories live. Discover now