Chapter Three: Finally Alone

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My heart raced faster and faster as the elevator ascended floors. I watched the numbers tick as I went up and up to the floor of the guys' apartment. Shawn decided to go to the trailer park after school to visit dad before hanging out with Angela at Chubby's for the rest of the day.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. Standing there was my half-brother.

"Oh, hey Jack," I said.

"Hey Katelyn," he said. "I'm just going. Got a paper to write then a date later tonight. The apartment is all yours...and Eric's...remember we have neighbors, don't be too loud."

I chuckled as I playfully hit Jack's arm. We switched places, me stepping out of the elevator and Jack stepping in. As the doors began to close, Jack quickly shot his arm out and held it open.

"Hey," he said. "When you walk in careful."

"Be careful?" I questioned. But the doors had already closed and Jack was gone. What did he mean "be careful"?

I opened the door without knocking. I knew Eric would let me in anyways. Eric was sat on the couch with his legs perched on the coffee table and a notebook on his lap. Upon further examination, I noticed Eric had his hair cut.

"Nice hair," I commented as I threw my bag to the floor.

"KittyKat, college sucks, don't ever go," Eric said, not even looking up at me.

"I think dad would argue with you on that," I said as I plopped myself next to Eric. I rested one arm on the back of the couch and my head on my hand. "What's up, buttercup?"

Eric gestured to his notebook. I looked down to see the page he was on was empty. Not a single thing was written. I raised an eyebrow and looked up at Eric.

"Doesn't help," I said.

"Stupid paper I have to write," Eric sighed. "It's my first paper of the year and, while I tried to get an extension on it, I have to have passed in by next Monday. Jack already has his half written and I don't have a single thing to write."

"Well, what is it supposed to be about? What's the subject?"

"Miscellaneous, whatever that means."

I chuckled and shook my head. Yeah, Eric was something of an airhead and I honestly have no idea how he got into Pennbrook University, but he meant well. He tried his best, even if his best wasn't overly good, and he got in. I guess I should help him just a little bit.

"Eric, miscellaneous means it can be about whatever you want," I explained. "Could be about what you did over the summer, moving into the new apartment, meeting Jack, your family-"

"Or you."

I raised an eyebrow and stared at the pencil Eric had pointed at me.

"Me?" I asked. "What about me?"

"Katelyn, you're the most kick ass girl I know! It wouldn't be that hard to write about you."

I felt myself blush. I quickly looked to my lap to keep him from seeing.

He honestly wanted to write his first big college paper about his little brother's best friend? Well, to be fair, myself and Eric had a pretty great friendship as well. Friendship. Friends. Friends only. Do I sound bitter? I feel like I sound bitter. Okay, maybe I am kinda bitter.

"There's a movie coming on in about 20 minutes," Eric told me. "Wanna watch?"

"Which movie?"

"I dunno, some horror flick."

I hated horror movies. I was a wimp. However, watching a horror movie with Eric gave me the perfect opportunity to snuggle up next to Eric whenever I got scared. Sure, it's cliché and all, but when am I gonna get another perfect opportunity like this?

"Okay. I'll pop some popcorn while you start your essay. And you better use all 20 minutes to write or else no popcorn for you," I said and got up from the couch. Eric gave me a fake pout before turning his full attention to his paper.

As I put the popcorn into the microwave and waited for it to pop, I sat at the island and watched Eric write his paper. What was it about when people were concentrated on something it makes them look so much more attractive?

I mean, there Eric sat, his feet rested on the coffee table, his notebook balanced on his legs as he stared down at it, his pencil furiously writing away. And he's never looked so attractive. Maybe it's cause his guard is down and he doesn't think I'm looking? Or maybe it's just a thing with everyone that they look that way. Boy, I hope I look that attractive when I'm not paying attention.

The sound of the microwave beeping brought me out of my thoughts. I quickly grabbed the bag of popcorn and poured it into a bowl before pulling myself onto the island and beginning to snack on the popcorn.

"Hey!" Eric said, gesturing to the popcorn.

"You still have, like, 18 minutes. And the time you waste arguing over popcorn is the more time you'll have to write," I said before popping another in my mouth. "Write."

Eric rolled his eyes and continued to write his paper. I pulled my legs up to sit cross legged as I ate away at the popcorn while watching him write. 18 minutes seemed to pass faster than either of us noticed. Soon enough, Eric was putting his notebook on the coffee table and turning to look at me.

"Movie time," he said. "Did you save me any popcorn?"

I looked down at the almost empty bowl before deciding, "I'll make some more while you put the movie on."

I jumped down from the island and set more popcorn in the microwave.

"I almost forgot to ask how your first day as a senior was," Eric said.

"At first, it felt new cause we finally get to be in the senior hall and everything. But after going to classes and stuff, it's really just the same as every other year, except with new and semi-harder material," I replied. I added under my breath, "But not new admirers."

"Harley is still there?"

"What do you expect? The only way they could get him out of that school was for him to go to juvie, but he still managed to break out of there and come back," I said. "Shawn caught him staring at me today at lunch. Topanga and Angela make sure to travel everywhere with me so I'm never alone and he won't approach me."

Eric walked over to the island and leaned on the other side, directly across from me. "Why don't you tell someone he makes you uncomfortable?"

"You think I haven't?" I scoffed. "I've told Cory, Shawn, mom, dad, Topanga, Angela, Mr. Feeny, Mr. Turner, you, your parents. Heck, I'm surprised Jack doesn't know yet. But it doesn't matter who you tell, he's always gonna be around. I just have to put up with him for another 10 months and then I'll graduate and be away from him."

"There is always that secret second option."

"Is it so secret that I don't even know about it?"

Eric chuckled. "I guess so. There's always one secret option when putting up with someone who has a mega crush on you and makes you uncomfortable by trying to pursue that crush." I leaned forward, intrigued. "Get a boyfriend."

I smiled, which lead to a laugh. "It's not that easy, Eric."

"Maybe it is."

I was compelled to ask what he meant, but that's when I noticed how close we were getting. We were only a few inches from each other. I was leaning so far ahead that I was on the tips of my toes. My heart raced as I silently hoped this was going where I hoped it was.

However, I never got to learn if it was or not. The microwave beeped, ruining the moment. Eric pushed himself away from the island and went to sit back on the couch. When I turned away to look at the microwave, I hung my head and lightly sighed.

Damn it!



But in all seriousness, a huge congrats to him and his fiancée, I hope he's happy because he really deserves it <3

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