Better not believe no rumors

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Taliece (18)
Thursday May 5th

I was in found tech with Kaylin today

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I was in found tech with Kaylin today. This the first time he's shown up to class since we stopped talking. He was acting weird and different, I wasn't with none of that. I'm guessing he must have told Norvana what happened or something because she's been trying to be real mf funny.

"Alright everyone your partners are on the board. Please pair up and grab a paper. Read the directions it's self explanatory. Don't come bothering me asking me what to do because imma just look at you and ask if you read the paper. So please class... read the paper"my teacher explained.

The world is not on my side right now. My teacher partnered me up with Kaylin. He didn't look very pleased to be with me.

"Can I get a different partner?" Kaylin asked out loud.

"No. I put you with someone who can help you pass for a reason" me teacher declined.

"Mcht ion want her as my partner" Kaylin nagged. Boy fuck you.

"Ion want you as my partner either fuck" I mugged him.

"Both of y'all can take an E for the assignment how bout that"

"Whatever" he huffed and moved his seat.

I went up to the table to grab the paper that we were instructed to grab and sat next to Kaylin. He huffed with an attitude and sat across from me. Bitch I ain't wanna sit next to your musty ass no ways.

"Here you can do this one and I'll do this one" I said handing him a paper.

"Nah you got it. You should be used to doing two things at once" Kaylin clapped at me. Ooouuu you wanna get fucked up.

"Oh so you're tryna be funny?" I asked squinting my eyes at him.

"Ion gotta try when it's the truth" he shrugged.

"Well I'm not doing all the work and if I do I'm not putting your name on the paper" I shrugged back. Fail or get with the program.

"I'll put my own name on the paper"

"Yea if you help do the work" I said snatching the paper from him. Ugly bastard.

"Like I said you got it"

"Hey y'all" Norvana smiled sarcastically as she sat next to Kaylin rubbing all on him. Girl idc about that. I got a real nigga waiting for me after this.

"Why are you over here?" I asked mugging her.

"Because I can. Anyways, did anyone ask you to prom because Kaylin asked me to go" Norvana asked rubbing it in my face. I hope your heels break hoe.

"O-k" I nodded uncomfortably.


"I'm not going with a date I'm going with my friends" I shrugged. My date can't come. He's band from all school events.

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