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Adam Smith stood up to collect his test results and he added "Thanks ma'am." said Adam Smith and he caught sight of Charlotte looking at him bitterly and he chuckled inwardly

"The second person is Charlotte, " said the teacher. The students clapped for her too but she wasn't happy with the results. Charlotte was expecting first position as her usual mark but now she was wrong.

"Charlotte what's wrong?" asked the teacher concerned, she noticed her countenance changed

"Nothing ma'am!" Charlotte collected her results gently and went back to her seat, pretending to be alright.

After some minutes, the English teacher left the classroom, the maths teacher entered the classroom and said to the students

"I'm very impressed with the results I saw here." said the maths teacher looking at the students admirably "I would like to call the first students that impressed me most." said the maths teacher smiling

"Okay sir." said the students anticipated

"Adam Smith!" called the maths teacher "Adam Smith!" said the math teacher looking around at the students.
Everyone was surprised to see Adam Smith had the highest marks in mathematics too, while Charlotte was shocked and devastated. She looked over to Adam and caught sight of him smiling brightly. Charlotte was so angry within herself and before she knew it her name was called for the second position till they finally called the rest of the class names. After an hour they finally rang the bell for their lunch time.

During break period, Charlotte had refused to go for lunch and Vivian was surprised with the sudden changed

"Charlotte are you still sleeping?" asked Vivian surprisedly to see her friend sleeping during break time

"Yes!" replied Charlotte drily

"Let's go for lunch jor!" said Vivian

"I'm not going!" said Charlotte

"Why?" asked Vivian puzzled

"Nothing." replied Charlotte

"Don't tell me nothing." said Vivian

"I don't feel like eating." said Charlotte

"What happened?" asked Vivian

"Nothing Viv," said Charlotte

"Let's go jor!" said Vivian adamantly

"I'm not going for today please try and understand." said Charlotte gently

"Humm really?" asked Vivian

"Nothing Viv I just loose appetite." said Charlotte

"Okay sorry dear." said Vivian and she finally left the classroom.

Vivian finally left the classroom and Charlotte wasn't the only one in classroom unknowingly to Charlotte, Adam was also in the classroom. He saw the way Vivian was persuaded Charlotte for them to go for lunch hour and how Charlotte refused to go.

"Adam!" entered Princess suddenly, she was holding a present with her "I have a gift for you!" said Princess smiling brightly at Adam

"What gift?" asked Adam puzzled

"I made this bracelet and I thought of giving it to you." said Princess cheerfully

"Oh i see. I don't need it." said Adam disrespectful

"Really, let me show you how it looks like." Before Princess would raised her head up, Adam had left her presence and moved over to Charlotte seat.

"You're sleeping in class huh?" asked Adam surprised. Charlotte raised her head up slightly and saw it was him talking to her

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