Chapter 12:

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"Morgan that's your phone ringing." I said as it rang and she was letting it because she was staring off into space.

She's been doing that since last night after I finally got her to calm down.

Shawn called last night to check in on us. We know they're alive, but they were arrested. He didn't go into details so I know it just had to be bad.

"It could be Mogul, Morg." I said when she still didn't move.

That made her quickly grab her phone answering it.

"Where are you!?" She yelled which basically let me know that it was in fact Mogul. "I've been worried sick about you. Are you okay? I thought you were dead or something..." She shot question after question to him before she started crying.

"I am listening." She said while still crying. "I'm trying, but I can't calm down."

My own phone rung. I got up walking into the kitchen to answer it.

I was glad to have a second away from her. I can't deal with seeing my best friend breaking down like that.

I wiped my own watering eyes finally answering the phone.

"Hello?" I answer.


I lean on to the counter dropping my head at the sound of Q's voice.

"Yall got arrested." I said.

"Yeah, but I'm still in a holding cell. Can't say shit over this phone, but they already transferred Mogul. The dumbass is taking all of the fuckin charges. He's gonna get years on top of fuckin years. The only reason I'm going along with this shit is because he is my brother and he basically begged me to since he wants somebody he trusts on the outside making sure Morgz is good."

I shook my head honestly not knowing what to say this shit was all crazy.

I rubbed my stomach softly as I felt cramps coming.

"Look, I'ma be in this holding cell over the weekend until I can see a judge and get released. I'ma only be able to call you once a day and on Monday be at my house waiting for me."

"I will."



"I love you."

I paused to make sure I heard him right.

"I love you too."


"Go Nee, please. I promise you I will be fine. I just wanna be alone." She said cutting me off.

She wants me to go home, but I just wanna be here with my bestfriend, for my sister.

"I'm not gonna kill myself or anything Nicole. You can trust me to be by myself."

"I don't want you depressed and by yourself tho."

"I love you too death Nee, I do, but please."

I sighed. "Fine. I'll leave, but please call me if you need anything and I will be calling to check on you every so often."

"I know you will."

"And don't let your phone die. Mogul will most likely call again in the morning."

"Okay." She said yawning rubbing her red swollen eyes.

"Okay." I said back. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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