The Boys Meet Riley Part 1

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Fizz POV: finally the boys are here now I can finally tell them about Riley and the best part about it Riley gets to meet her uncles I really can't wait for her to meet them and I can't wait for them to meet her and even tho I'm still a little pissed off that they all knew about Aaliyah being pregnant with my baby and didn't bother to say anything I know that it was only for a good cause so I can't be mad at them but today is a good day and I'm really excited that Riley is going meet her whole family

The boys: *walk in the house*

Fizz: yo what's up *smile and gives Boog a dap*

Boog: what's up *smile and gives him a dap back*

Omarion: hey what's up Fizz *gives him a dap*

Fizz: what's up *gives him a dap*

Raz-b: what's up *gives him a dap*

Fizz: what's up *gives him a dap back* alright now y'all know y'all gotta go say hey to my mom

Omarion: yeah we know let's go y'all

Boog: *walks in the kitchen* hey mama *smile

Omarion: hey mama *smile*

Raz-b: hey auntie *smile*

Ms. Andrea: hey babies how y'all doing

Boog: good

Ms.Andrea: that's good

Boog: well mama we ain't gone stay in here too long we just wanted to say hey

Ms. Andrea: ok babies

The boys: *walks back in the living room and sit down on the couch*

Fizz: alright y'all I got a big announcement to make

Raz-b: ok

Boog: I already know what it is

Fizz POV: after the conversation that me and Boog had talking about Aaliyah and her being pregnant I knew Boog would be the first to know what I'm about to tell them

Fizz: *frowns at Boog* man no you don't shut up

Boog: *laughing*

Omarion: what you got to tell us *curious*

Raz-b: yeah

Fizz: alright so y'all remember we was talking about Liyah and her telling me about our daughter

The boys: yeah

Fizz: well she had let me come over one day to meet her

Omarion: *shocked* yo for real

Fizz: yeah *smiling hard*

Raz-b: wow

*upstairs in Brooke room*

Riley: *sitting on a the floor watching the proud family*

Brooke: *looking at Riley* I am so glad that you guys moved back *smiling*

Aaliyah: yeah me too *smile*

Brooke: I thought you would never move back to L.A. *laughing*

Aaliyah: I had too after Riley turned 4 that's when I realized that she I needed to come back cuz she needs to know who her real father and family is

Brooke: yeah that's true

*downstairs with the boys*

Boog: so how did Riley react when she first met you

Raz-b: yeah like did she act shy around you

Fizz: she actually acted like she had been around me since she was a baby

Boog: really

Fizz: yeah I said hi Riley and she said hi daddy

Omarion: wow

Raz-b: she called you daddy the first time she met you

Fizz: yeah

Boog: that would have made me feel real good

Omarion: yeah me too

Fizz: yeah it did it felt real good cuz I haven't been in her for 4 years and she called me daddy the first day we met

Raz-b: that's wonderful

Omarion: yeah so have she met your mom and your sister yet

Fizz: yeah

Omarion: that's good

Boog: so when can we meet her

Fizz: y'all can meet her right now

Raz-b: for real

Boog: she here

Fizz: yeah Liyah here too

Boog: wow I can't believe this *smile*

Fizz: I'ma go get her *smile and goes upstairs*


Fizz: *walks to Brooke's room and stop and cracks the door open and listens to Riley singing*

Riley: your love is a one in a million it goes on and on and on you give me a really good feeling all day long

Brooke: *clap her hands and smile* wow Riley that was really good

Riley: thank you

Brooke: you welcome *looks at Liyah* did you know that she could sing like that

Aaliyah: girl yes you should see how she is at home she stay singing one of my songs

Brooke: *laughing*

Aaliyah: *laughing*

Fizz: *knock on the door*

Brooke: come in

Fizz: hey

Brooke: oh hey Fizz *smile*

Aaliyah: hey *smile*

Riley: daddy *smile and runs up to Fizz*

Fizz: hey baby girl *picks her*

Riley: daddy I was singing one of mommy songs

Fizz: you did

Riley: yeah

Brooke: and she sounded so good

Fizz: wow you wanna be a singer like mommy when you grow up

Riley: mhm *shakes her head yes*

Fizz: that's good *smile*

Brooke: so Fizz what did you want

Fizz: oh I just up here to get Riley cuz there's some people I want her to meet

Riley: who

Fizz: you'll see when we go down stairs

Riley: then let's go now daddy *punching him in his chest*

Fizz: ok let's go

Aaliyah: *stand up and walks behind Fizz* I'm coming too I wanna see who these people are

Brooke: I'm right behind you

Raz-b: I can't wait to see Riley

Omarion: I know right me too

Boog: yeah I can't wait to see how big she's gotten

Raz-b: yeah

Fizz: *coming downstairs*

Omarion: Fizz coming

The boys: *stand up and looks at Fizz coming down the stairs*

Fizz: alright guys here she is

To be continue

Sorry it's been taking me so long to give you guys another chapter but comment and vote

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