Moon Tree # 1: Angel

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Name: Aliza

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Name: Aliza

Codename: Angel

Weapon: Sword of Descension

Leader of the Moon Tree club

Voice lines :D (normal, club and then f/os in that order)

Hello: "Hello! My name is Aliza, but you can call me Aliza-chan or Ali if you want."

When it rains: "ahhh's raining, we should find some shelter so that you don't get I'll be fine, it's just a little rain nothing i can't handle."

Eye colors?: "My eyes? Oh you must be able to see they the color change huh? Hardly anyone noticed it really.. Why? Well uh you would have to get pretty close to my face to see the difference unless your like Natalie and can easily tell right off the bat."

Favorite food: "hmm i love pizza, ice cream and anything Japanese really, though i would sometimes add som buffalo hot sauce on pizza and weird i know."

Interesting things: "my hair? Oh i have blonde highlights, you can sometimes see them but if the sun hits my hair right then you'll be able to see it,...i guess it's rare since i heard i was the nurses favorite when i was born."

Joker: "Joker...ah she goes by another name but she did ask that we all call her by Sornia,.. Why? Cause she feels pretty uncomfortable about it so i'm one of the few that can call her by her nickname. But it's nice to see her, since we knew each other online..and yes i know she has a crush on scaramouce..and i did talk to him with her a couple of times, don't tell Childe he wouldn't like that..

Jester: "ah Laro! he's interesting isn't he? I know he acts like a mysterious guy, but i assure you he's doing that to have fun, oh i do apologize for his flirting as well...i'm guessing that's part of his mysterious guy, but i hardly don't recall flirting being a part of but, Laro is Laro."

Cat: "Kayia is a somewhat a social person but when you get close your pretty much joining our crazy chats haha! But her art is amazing, i'm sure she'll share a few tips with you.. Her weapon? Oh it's a Gun blade it's pretty amazing huh?"

Prince: "David is a one of a kind, sometimes i don't get what's he's talking about but i guess that's cause i'm innocent still, and yes i know his actions seem concerning but i assure he's fine...don't ask why he's sometimes laying his head on me i'm use to that."

Hacker: "Natalie.. i miss her, we hardly talk but i'm not forgetting the time we spent together in middle school, her, Aiden and the others helped me hang on during middle school when i...well it's in the past but i think of her as a sister to me.."

Prince: "ahaha Aiden, um well i-..yes i know he seems to like me a lot! I guess he still has his crush on me back them, i know that he can't seem to back off but..i don't blame after what happened he...wasn't in a great place.. i guess i must've made felt safe when we met."

Cat: "like sornia we call her by another name but we all call her rei for short, she's close friends with me Kayia and Sornia, and yesh we're all chaotic together it's our speciality."

Gold: "togo huh? Ahaha we're online sisters, though i see her as a big sister, she..does get overprotective sometimes ahaha..she's a great person though i can assure you that. Though i would suggest that you don't get her mad ahahaha..she can get pretty scary ;-;"

Pink: Theisa is a great friend of me and togo! Sure her f/os can be handfuls if they choose to be chatoic but ahah just like togo don't get her mad, she's gonna cuss for a lonnnng time.. me? Oh i don't mind really if she cuss really now the jokes on the other hand they sometimes get worrying ;w;"

Demon: "Mekah...or the others would know her as M, but we're practically the same, i can't control what she says, i'm pretty sure she warned the others that she was a shitty person, but..well she's still my friend so nothing is ever going to change be honest i don't know where she's at or why she sided with them but knowing what she's been though? I don't blame her.."

Hajime hinata: "he's the first one i fell for, shocking i know but we're similar, we both want to be someone that's important but to me, he's already important enough for being who he is, after the Tragedy in his world he did change a bit, but hehe..i still love him, nothing is going to change that. Ever"

Xander Matthews: "i'll be honest..i admire him, really i do, his determination for fixing those that are wrong and wanting to protect those he cares about, it's one of the main reasons i love him, i guess it's the same with Togo as well, heh i'm kinda jealous i know he said's i'm strong but i don't think i am, i appreciate all the love and things he done for i want to repay him back at least.."

Diluc: "i'll admit i did simp for him Alright? How could i not i mean- ughh this is embarrassing..he's soft on me? Yea i know, we hardly do things unless it's private after all, unless someone is flirting with me thennn  he may show that side a little bit. He is overprotective but hehe it's fine, ^^"

Childe: "OKay, now you probably wondering on why I'M dating him when he's part of the Fatui...he's- he's been kind to me and the others well as he told me i'm the light in the darkness to him, i'm well IF i am the only one who knows his true self then i assure you he's not a bad guy, and even though he saids he doesn't deserve me well..he does."

Zhongli: "even though he is the Geo Archon, my love for him ain't changing a single bit, but he does take care of me whenever we're together, he doesn't want to lose me, and..he lost enough people he cared about as it is, do mark my words, even though i am the way i am, im. Not leaving him. And the others.."

N35! Miku: "miku knows me waaaayyyy longer then everyone else...why? Well i know her since i was a kid, shocking i know, but really in my SEKAI it's where i feel at peace and with her there, i feel safe."

Teruko and Akira: "Okay they're both overprotective, that should be obvious enough, Teruko has trust issues so she's overprotective and as for Akria the same can be said for her in a way, they're both kind i promise, huh? Why does teruko have a knife?'s cause of her trust issues, ;-;"

Kafka and Sliverwolf: "so why am i with the Stellorn hunters? *sigh* well Sliverwolf invited me to join them since she has someone to play her games with and we're both interested in our for Kafka well Kafka is Kafka but we surprisingly got along pretty well, i guess she sees something in me that i don't?"

Danganronpa antebullem cast: "Okay yes i know they did crimes and they're chaotic as heck but hey they have their reasons for it alright? Though some of them i rather stay away from.."

Furina: "oh i guess it's surprising that the Hydro Archon has taken a liking to someone huh? Well i guess i'm one of the only ones who she can let out her emotions at, she does fall asleep on me but it's fine, she needs the rest."

1288 words holy flip- ;w;

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