Act 1

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Tangled Hearts

                                  ꧁꧂               Flashback late 2004-early 2005Derek walked through the woods of Beacon Hills  holding the hand of his little sister Freya who had no clue what had just happened to the home the pair had grown up in

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Flashback late 2004-early 2005
Derek walked through the woods of Beacon Hills holding the hand of his little sister Freya who had no clue what had just happened to the home the pair had grown up in. The Small brown haired girl was currently speaking to her brother who wasn't paying attention to a word she was saying that was until they reached a house, Derek knocked on the door smiling weakly at his little sister.

the door opened suddenly and standing inside were a couple in their mid 30s smiling at the siblings

"You must be Freya",The man crouched down in front of the small girl who backed away behind her brother scared

"Hey its okay Frey" Derek smiled at the girl weakly crouching next to her

"I gotta go away for a bit so these two are gonna take care of you while im gone okay"
The teenage boy started tearing up finding it hard to say goodbye

"Why can't i come with you" Freya asked, Derek shook his head

"Where im going isn't safe for lil cubs like you okay" He spoke trying to hold back a cry, The young girl hugged her brother tightly him returning it

"I'll be back for you Little Wolf i promise okay" he stood up looking at the couple "Thanks" he said weakly walking away trying his best to hear the yellings of his name from his sister.

Present Day
Freya woke rubbing her eyes from the same dream she has had every night,once she had gotten ready she went downstairs said bye to her parents, she had gotten to school early just so she could do one thing.

"Dude there is no such things as wolfs in Beacon Hills and there hasn't been for like sixty years" She could hear Stiles voice, she smirked to herself before jumping out of where she was behind them.

"What you guys talking about" She smiled as the two boys were startled by her.

"Where do you always come from" The boy with the buzzcut looked around.

"That is my secret Stilinski" She winked.

"Whatever could you please tell our dear friend here that wolfs do not exist in california " Stiles wrapped his arm around The girls shoulder  making her eyes go wide.

"Uh yeah wolfs do not exist here" she nodded slowly "Thank you Freya and Scott please listen to our very intelligent frien-".

Stiles was cut off by a red-haired girl walking by "You coming Freya" The girl turned around "Yep" Freya was going to walk away until a hand was placed on her shoulder.

"Okay Frey i will love you so much if you put in a good word for me with Lydia okay" He smiled.

"Yeah sure Stiles i will just put a good word in for you with the girl who's boyfriend could most probably kick your ass" a sarcastic smile formed on both of their faces as the girl flicked her best friends forehead before following Lydia inside.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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Tangled Hearts~ 𝘚𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘚𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘬𝘪Where stories live. Discover now