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I couldn't believe it.
All of the moments I wished I could just fall into his arms and tell him how much I like him, all of the things I wished to tell him, all of the time I had to wait, was worth it.

Now, I was in his arms, hugging him as my boyfriend for the first time.

He pulled away and gave me a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"So.....who can I tell we're dating?" I asked

"We will definitely tell Ari, but I'm not really comfortable telling it to anyone else. I'm sorry."
He said, smiling sadly at me.

I cupped his face and gave him a gentle kiss.

"It's okay." I smiled at him, making sure that he knew it was all right.

he put his forehead on mine and we just stood there, close to each other.

"Thank you." he said, giving me a gentle kiss

I then pulled away, and we went to taehyung.

"So, are we going Han?" He asked me

"No, I'm gonna stay with Minho."

"Are you kidding me? So you just do what Minho says? Cmon Han, I know that he's mean and cold hearted, but that doesn't mean you have to listen to him all the time."

"I'm doing this because I want to, taehyung. I just want to spend today with him, what is wrong with that?"

"Because just before you left with him you wanted to spend the day with me?"

"Just let it be." I said and I left, Minho following me

We went to pick up Ari together, and when she saw me, her eyes lit up and she ran to me, jumping on me.

I smiled and she was so happy that I came to pick her up.

We went home, and we sat on the couch.

"Ari, we need to tell you something." I started



"JISUNG LIKES ME TOO, ARI!" Minho screamed

What the fuck-?

Ari started screaming too and she hugged Minho.

I'm confused-?

"So, are you dating right now?" She asked with a big smile

"Yes, yes we are." I nodded

She started screaming again and hugged me.

"Minho hyung told me that he likes you few days ago. I'm so happy."


I looked at Minho. He was just shyly looking at me.

I smiled at him.

We then decided to play together.


Ari wanted us to play on a sleeping beauty.

She wanted to be the evil witch who will curse the princess.
Jisung had no other option then to play the sleeping beauty, and I was the prince.

Jisung was laying on the bed, cursed sleeping, and I took Ari's horse head on a stick and I made my way trough the "overgrown castle", and I finally made my way to jisung.

"The prince finally reached the sleeping beauty. When he saw him, he immediately fell in love with him." Ari said

Seems about right.

"He then kissed him on the lips."

I smiled and I kissed my sleeping beauty.

We probably kissed for a long time, because she hit my back.

"Okay, that's enough." she said

We both chuckled and jisung stood up from the bed.

"Oh, thank you my prince, for breaking the curse and waking me up."

"I would do anything for you, my beautiful sleeping beauty."

I said and I gently and quickly kissed him, because I don't think our director would be so happy if I made out with him right there.

"AGHH this story was beautiful." Ari said happily

Me and jisung smiled and we went to the kitchen, to make dinner.
Well, I was the one cooking, jisung was back hugging me the whole time, not letting me go. I sometimes kissed his forehead, and I was smiling the whole time.

I made kimchi fried rice, and I gave us the bowls. I gave jisung a little bit, so he would eat, but not that much so he would feel bad about it. I found better way to make him feel better and make sure he's at least eating.

We were all talking as we were eating, laughing, and I truly felt at peace.

This is my home.

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