The stepsister

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I went to school like it was a normal day. I better introduce myself. my name is Anna. I'm 8 years old and live with my parents. I have dark brown hair blue eyes and I'm 4' 8". I'm an only child which is awesome. not for long. my parents are getting a divorce and there's nothing I can do about it.  



I was sitting on the stairs while my parents were in the kitchen fighting like always.  

MOM- you don't love me your out messing around with who knows how many woman

DAD- I'm sick and tired of being accused of things I don't do. This is enough I want a divorce 

MOM- well so do I

This was the night my dad left and didn't say goodbye or anything. After that I never heard anything even on my birthday. Mom went to court and her and dad both signed the papers so they're officially divorced but I don't get what I did to make my own father hate me. Me and him did everything together, but I don't know. One day ill find out but not today


                                                                           2 YEARS LATER 

Today is the day where I will see my mom walk down the aisle in her white wedding dress. I'm only 10 years old and seeing my mom marry to Calvin. Calvin has a 12 year old son named Jonah. He is so annoying. Anyways him and mom met at their Christmas party and just clicked and that brings us to why mom is getting married today, but about my dad its like he dropped off the face of the earth. He hasn't called wrote or emailed me. I miss him so much. Mom asks me what's wrong, but I say nothing and walk away. My mom just said I do which means that me and Calvin and Jonah are related. whoopee. like I care. that means I have to leave all my friends and move to Brookshire. Let's go wildcats!!


                                                                           2 Months Later 

Today is my birthday and my first month living here in Brookshire. It's okay but Jonah and I share a bathroom. EW. He talks so gross and he leaves the cap off the toothpaste. I went downstairs expecting waffles, but there's no waffles or my mom. I go and see no note. My mom forgot my birthday and so did my dad. I wonder sometimes if my mom even knows I'm alive. I walked the block to school,walked to my classroom, hung my stuff up, and sat down. My teacher is Mrs. Mckessie. Shes really nice. I hear my name being called and the birthday song being sang at least she remembered my birthday. I thanked her, and she began the lesson of multiplication. I did my morning class, lunch, and then my afternoon class and finally the bell rang. I walked home to find nobody home.I went up to my room, did my homework, and went to bed.


                                                                             5 YEARS LATER 

I began my walk home like I do from school everyday. I walked up to the house and closed the door. I sat down, ate a snack, and right as I was about to go upstairs somebody knocked on the door. I answered and it was a police officer. 

Me- hey officer, may I help you?

PO- I'm looking for a Anna Johnson.

Me- That's me 

Po- your mom and step-dad was killed in a car accident. Jonah is in critical condition. I'm gonna need you to come with me. 

I walked down our sidewalk till I got to the polices vehicle. I opened the door and got in. when we got to the police station there was a guy that looked like..... 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~More info. in next chapter.

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