An Author's Message

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Hello everyone. I am Sir Velveteen. I am here now to give you insight into this piece, if you are not interested, please hit that next button or swipe on your mobile device to begin reading.

Firstly, this is rated T for Teen for some violence and themes known to upset certain individuals. I do not give trigger warnings at the start of my chapters; if you are uncomfortable with descriptions of violence then please do not read this story.

Secondly, I have done research into Norse mythology versus what Marvel portrays and am attempting to stay within Marvel's universe, even so, I use real-world lore to fill in the gaps as required. Also, the take I have on language is difficult due to our understanding of Old Norse. Thus I have substituted the language with Icelandic and by no right do I claim to know more than the basics of that language. (Any Icelandic readers out there let me know how I'm doing in my translations?) In some cases, Norwegian is used too and I am also not a speaker of that language.

I hope this has answered any questions you may have, and I hope you enjoy the story spun my, dearest reader.

Sir Velveteen

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