Chapter 12

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Brianna POV

I just pulled back up to Taylor's house. Skye was staying with Amanda for the night so Taylor and I could talk.

I got out of the car and entered the house. Taylor was sitting in the living room on his phone.

He heard me and looked up. Be made eye contact and smiled at me lightly.

He got up and walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry I'm such a dick." He mumbled

"I know but we need to talk." I told him kissing his cheek.

"Alright." He said

I sat down on the couch and be sat next to me.

I put my legs on top of his and my feet dangled between his legs.

I leaned my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me.

"I love you. And I know this is are first huge fight but you can't say stuff like that to me. Ever. I'm forgiving you because I know you're stressed but that's not an excuse but Taylor if you ever speak to me like that again I will leave you. And I'm serious." I told him

"I know and I'll never talk to you like that again babygirl. I promise. And I'm gonna go talk to a therapist for my anger."

"Thank you babe." I said

My phone started to ring. It was my father.

"Hello?" I answered

"Brianna. It's your father. I have some news.." he said trailing off

"Yes?" I said confused

"Your-your mother passed away this morning." he said and you could hear the hurt in his voice

"Oh. I'm sorry dad." I told him

"I was just calling to let you know. I will call you about the funeral. I hope everything is going well I love you honey." he told me

"Love you too." I said and hung up

Taylor looked at me and I just stared blankly.

"Babe what's wrong?" He asked

"My moms dead." I said quietly.

"Oh baby I'm so sorry." he said wrapping his arms around me

"I gotta go." I said shaking my head and walking outside to my car.

"Brianna." Taylor yelled after me.

I started the car and drove away.

I didn't know what to feel. It was my mother. After everything she did to me it still hurt because she raised me.

I drove around cluelessly. I couldn't stop thinking.

I looked at the clock in my car and it was 2:30 in the morning. I have been driving around for 3 hours. I decided I should head back.

I pulled up to the house around 4:00 am.

I walked inside and Taylor was awake. He ran up to me and grabbed me, wrapping his arms around me.

"Babygirl don't ever do that again." he said to me kissing my head.

"Sorry." I said quietly.

"It's okay. Let's go to bed." he said

We went into the room and laid down. I changed into sweatpants and a Tshirt

About 10 minutes later Taylor was passed out. But I couldn't sleep.

It hurt. My whole body. My heart. I couldn't take it.

I quietly got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I sat down quietly sobbing.

I grabbed a razor and popped a blade out of the it.

I looked at my old scars and just sat there with the blade on my wrist. Debating if I should do it.

"Baby.." I heard Taylor's voice trail off sounding like he was about to cry.

I looked up and saw Taylor in the door way.

I just looked at him. He walked up to me and grabbed the blade throwing it in the toilet flushing it.

He sat down next to me. His body facing mine. He looked at me

He grabbed my wrist tracing his fingers over my scars.

He looked at me

"Look at me." he said

I looked up at him and saw the tears running down his face.

"I love you so fucking much. You don't understand how much it hurts me to think that you do that because it makes you feel better. I know it hurts baby. I know it does. But you need to be strong. I need you to promise me that you won't do it again." He said

"I'm sorry tay. I promise I won't." I said

I started shaking and crying. He wrapped me in his arms.

He picked me up. Took me to the room and laid me on the bed.

We both fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms.

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