Last Chance

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The Level Title Card at This Time All Colors Are Black and Red and It's Corrupted, and The Level is Named "L̷̢͓͝Ạ̶̧̯͈͇͆Ş̷̨̛̣̮̐̾̋̏ͅT̵̳̫̖̼̺̂̄̓͑̕̚ ̵̲͈̭̾͆̃͗C̵̨̧̰̪̳̬̔̋̓̌H̵̛̥̟̯̩̐ͅĂ̸̧ͅN̷̢̠̝̾̂͘Ç̶͚̪̯͐́E̶̗̒̃̿͠ ̴͙͍̞̈́ͅĄ̷͉͚̺̉̐͊͠c̴̨̛̥̠̰͉͕̽͂̉̀͘ṯ̶̡̩̲̝̋͗̄̈́̽͝ ̸͔̠͔̩̇̅̋̑͠͠6̸̯͉̳͙͉̈6̴͔͍̋̐̄̿6̵͚̤͗" I Did See The Name, and I Asked to Myself, "Does That Mean is Snively's Final Level?" Because I Really Hope Not, How Ever, The Level Looks Like Labyrinth Zone, but Everything is Dark, However There's a Spotlight Above Snively, The Ground and Walls Were Gray Instead of Brown, Instead of The Water Being Green It's Red Like Blood, Even Worse, I Can't Use The Abilities, I Can See The Jackpack is Still on Snively, But Broken, The Blue Bar is Empty, The Red Bar is Almost Out Like Snively is About to Die, and He Only Has One Hand, The Music is Played on The Piano and The Music Box, and Slowed Down, and It is "Lost Labyrinth" from Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode 1, I Can Only Walk, Jump, Look Up and Crouch, That Was a Bit Easy and So Long of Course However I Must Watch Out for Sally, She Appears Behind Me and She Disappears If I Turn Around, If Not, Snively Died, After That, The Cutscene Shows Snively Walking Until He Found an Long Ledge That You Can't Get Across, Snively Tries to Back Away, But Then Sally Appears Behind Him and Said "Well Snively, It Appears That You Saw and Dead End!"

Sally Was Right! I Went to an Dead End, Sally Continues Speaking With

"Don't Worry, I Found an Way Out," Sally Grabs Snively by The Shoulders, and Said

"And It's The Deep..." Sally Lets Go of Snively, and Static Flickered Teleporting Snively to The City, It Felt Like a Flashback, The Real Sally Falls to The Ground Like in Archie's Sonic Issue 47 as Snively Watched, and It Goes to More Flashbacks With Static Flickering More, The Flashbacks Shows The Great Forest with Bunnie Watching Sally Put The Fire on The Torch at The Machine, and Lupe Watching Sally Push Griff of The Ledge, Then It Shows The Black Void Then Snively Falls Down, SPLASH!  Snively Woke Up Underwater Asking What Has Happen, and Looks at What He Got Shocked, It is...

The Front With Destroyed Swat-Bots, Covered in Cracks, Oil and Blood, Dead Animals Inside Them, Snively Started Screaming so Realistic, as Sally With The Bubble Shield Monitor Went Behind Him and Stabbed Him in The Back, The Screen Went to Black with The Drowning Sound Effect, The Blood Splatter Sound Effect, and The Blood Stain on The Screen, It Fade to Black, After 3 Seconds, It Shows The Most Disturbing Image I've Ever Seen!

The Image is The Great Forest with The Red Sky, The Orange Grass, Brunt Down and Missing Trees That are on Fire, and Worse is Sally Looking at The Camera, and The Bodies of Bunnie, Lupe, Griff and Snively, With Some Difference

Bunnie's Head is On a Tree Stake with Pieces of Her Shown Around It, Lupe Still Has Her Brunt Body Like in The Cutscene But Some of The Flames Are All Over Her, Griff is in a Bloody Pile with Bones Sticking Out of Him, and Snively Impaled By The Bubble Shield Monitor Hanging on a Tree and His Eyes are Bloodshot and Bleeding, and Sally is an Black Silhouette with Glowing Blue Pupils!

The Music is Like a Choir Singing That Sounds Like The Music From "Death Note" and It Shows The "Game Over" Text in Sonic 3 Font, with Blood Stains On It

 That Image and Music Stayed There for Much Seconds, and Static Appears and It Went to The Image That Looks Like The "Fun is Infinite" Message From Sonic CD, It's So Much Red Tint Sally's in The Background, and The Text "自由之战已失去 - 莎莉·橡子 1997" is in Chinese Instead of Japanese, It was "Freedom Fighting is Lost - Sally Acorn 1997", Sad Music was Playing in The Background, After The Sad Music Played, The Screen Went to Black, with The White Text Saying If I Want to Try Again, I Wanted to Try Again as Another Character... So I Did...

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