Triple Date

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Seishin POV

I was fighting when Chara stopped and stared. I turned and saw my child stabbing a dragon which luckily wouldn't kill it but would hurt it a lot "That's my nephew... That's my nephew!" I yelled out and ran towards him to try and get him off Chara came over to help too he didn't get of till we promised him cookies and candy he was disappointed when we didn't give it to him the next day anyways after I got Ignis off I helped everyone out by throwing the random boy into a lake after I punched and kicked him I felt a sudden urge to start doing it more often afterwards which is not good because of me and my brother's powers which means we might have to seal it away or seal ourselves away which I never do ever again because it sucks and you don't age or have a mind but you know how long it's been since you've been sealed up I hated being sealed away. Anyways I was sitting down at the sea but not learning how to swim again cause the chances someone will save me again are low and I'm scared I might drown or almost drown again I looked at my book "Η Πριγκίπισσα της Αλεπούς" I never read it because I can't read and stuff maybe I should force Shino or Chara to read it to me I opened the book someone translation it but it looked like even more gibberish to me Chara came over "Oh hi Chara did you need anything?" "Nah I just wanted to see you and tell you something" "Oh what is it?" "So Seishin we haven't talked about our future. What do you want to do when we get married " "I want at least two kids but I wouldn't mind more kids and I want to adopt Ignis" "Is that it or is there more you want to do?" "I want to live a nice long life with you, now can you read my book for me?"

Chara POV

I read the children's book (that should not be a children's book) to Seishin so much death but then again mine were a little bit darker than nowadays but I still read it afterwards I said "Hey, Nako and Liakada are getting married next week and we've been invited to go" "I see... I'll be sure to wear my dress and bring a gift fitting for the new couple however because they are both males I am not sure if my gifts would be fitting for them as they might be more feminine for their liking" "Well what are you planning on giving them?" "Normally I would've given them some perfume or jewelry" "Well you could give them cologne instead of perfume and male jewelry" "I see I'll take that into account when we are picking gifts for them"
I was making plans for tomorrow when Ignis came in and fell asleep on my desk because I knew he needed it and I didn't want to move him plus I do my work on my computer so I didn't need to move I just wish he wouldn't put his whole body on my desk and instead sleep on the crouch or in his cabin he only uses his cabin as an office because he works in the forge seventy-five percent of the time the other twenty-five is doing his paperwork which never ends despite me telling them not to give him so much work honestly how can any human work that much even with four people they would be extremely overwhelmed with the amount of work he has I sighed as I looked through the turned in work making sure everything was right like the amount we spent this week or how much money we've gained I noticed we had a lot of extra money enough for three dates, a shopping spree, and enough to host a wedding afterwards. After a lot of thinking of what I was going to do with the extra money we don't need I decided to have me and Seishin go on a triple date with Alithea, Ekdikisi, Shino, and Ignis after the main date which will be dinner and a movie of their choice we can go shopping for gifts, outfits, and anything else we need or want

Shino POV

I was doing my work making sure the weather was nice and no one escaped without permission Alicin was talking to herself again about anything she could she's a bit odd but she gets the job done and she can somehow tell when someone is about to leave from the other side of camp when Seishin, Ignis, Chara, Ekdikisi, and Alitheia came over Ignis hugged me Seshin glared at me Chara had some papers while Ekdikisi and Alitheia were ungodly embarrassed I was scared for obvious reasons Chara was the first to speak "So, Shino I noticed we had extra money and I decided to have two groups hangout for a bit you and Ignis will hangout and Ekdikisi and Alitheia will hangout me and Seishin will be shopping now let's go shopping!" I drove us to the mall and before you say I can't drive yes I can most people think I'm eighteen so they won't question why I have a driver's license and just let me and my friends do whatever but I am worried because if something happens like I kiss Ignis I might get in trouble either way if I tell them my age or not because I drove I just need to hope that doesn't happen
So me and Ignis parted ways with the main group. Chara had set everything up for us and the first place we need to go to is... A romantic restaurant anyway , we sat down at our table which Chara had already rented out for us... Suspicious... "Can I have lasagna?" Ignis didn't order. He nudged me. He wanted me to get his food for him "He'll have the sweet and spicy chicken tenders" He didn't react or respond but his eyes lit up the way they always do when he's happy the waiter left and came back with our food. I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye but it was nothing. We ate our food and talked for a good while when we had to go to the next stop was a clothing store with dresses, makeup, and perfume... She did this on purpose didn't she?... Luckily the store had suits and cologne as well. I picked out my outfit and a cologne I wanted to try out when I went to Ignis. He was basically going through a midlife crisis because he didn't know what to get... I am so glad Chioni isn't here... I went to Ignis to help him pick out his outfit
I thought I picked a pretty cute dress for him and he liked it. The dress had a flower print on it the main color was red with white flowers the flats I got were orange and I let him choose what perfume or cologne and makeup he wanted he got a sakura scented perfume and an all natural makeup kit I got him a nice red lipstick if he ever wears this outfit he will look stunning! The next location was a movie theater inside the mall. This place really does have everything... I picked out a movie called the Shadow Princess. I thought it would be really cute but boy was I wrong! At some point it got so bloody to the point every time she went into battle I covered Ignis' eyes and told him to cover his ears until I let go of his eyes. I know he knows about death and stuff but my instincts to protect him kick in. When we left that theater (most of the kids that entered being scarred for life) Ignis was disappointed with the fact he never got to see the whole thing and isn't allowed to unless he starts to socialize and understand romance and violence more now time to get random things

Alitheia POV

Me and Ekdikisi went into a ramen restaurant which I personally like because me and Seishin went to Japan once and it was amazing. It was beautiful and the food was good. I got my favorite thing and is my go to order Ekdikisi got the extra spicy ones which is a big coincidence because he has ice powers but likes very spicy food we talked about Ignis and Shino and how much of a good couple they would be if Ignis knew about romance and if my sister didn't try to kill Shino every five seconds he's near Ignis we got our food and started eating when Ekdikisi handed me my favorite flowers which was Toxic Crimson I felt my face go red I took the flowers and looked away from him covering my face in the flowers. "Theia are you alright?" "I'm fine... There's no reason to worry about me" "Are you sure? If you're sick I can take you home" "No I'm not sick... Let's just go to the next place" We left the restaurant and made our way to the clothing shop which is odd because this also has dresses, Chara set this up, and I don't think Seishin would tell her... No she would tell her... I need to stop trusting my sister...
We walked into the store and the first thing I saw was two short gray matching dresses with a red flower with an occasional pomegranate somewhere on the dress. I looked around to find something else and I saw two gray matching suits with a pomegranate flower. I looked back at the dresses just by looking at them I could tell it was soft and wasn't cheap before I could look away and look for a suit because I do not want to be myself at a wedding when Ekdikisi leaned down to my level and said "Do you want the dress?" "... Yes" We ended up buying both dresses and suits which was a wonderful thing to spend our money on now was the movies we started walking over there we walked next to each other our hands brushed against each other from time to time which only made my face even more red I looked at the time and it was 11:00 Ignis was probably falling asleep by now... anyway instead of heading to the the movies Ekdikisi brought me out to a balcony we saw the stars and the moon which was a red moon and was beautiful to see
I was stunned. I didn't know what to do I kissed him without thinking and in a split second I realized what I did and I disappeared into the comfort of the shadows after about about five minutes I came back my face was still a bright red and I tried to pretend like nothing happened but he leaned down and kissed me my face went redder after a few moments we pulled away and I wanted to disappear so bad I covered my face and ran to a dark room Ekdikisi went after me but didn't enter the room he sat at the other side of the door he tapped in morse code the way everyone at camp talks without talking ".- .-. . / -.-- --- ..- / --- -.- .- -.-- ..--.." "-. ---" ".. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- / -.-- --- ..- / -.- .. ... ... . -.. / -- . / .- -. -.. / .. / .-- .- -. - . -.. / - --- / -.- .. ... ... / -.-- --- ..- / -... .- -.-. -.- / .. / -.. .. -.. -. .----. - / -- . .- -. / - --- / .... ..- .-. - / -.-- --- ..- / ... .- -.. / ..-. .- -.-. ." ".. - .----. ... / ..-. .. -. . / .. / .-- .- ... -. .----. - / - .... .. -. -.- .. -. --. / -. --- .-. -- .- .-.. .-.. -.-- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / -.. --- / -.-- --- ..- / .-- .- -. - / - --- / --. --- / --- ..- - / --- -. / .- / .--. .-. --- .--. . .-. / -.. .- - . / ... --- --- -. ..--.. .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / .. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- / .. / ... .... --- ..- .-.. -.. -. .----. - / .... .- ...- . / .- ... -.- . -.. -....-" "-.-- . ... / .-.. . - .----. ... / --. --- / --- ..- - -.-.-- -.-.-- -.-.-- -.-.-- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- / .. / --. --- - / . -..- -.-. .. - . -.. / .-- .. -. -.- -.-- / ..-. .-.. .. .-. - -.-- / ..-. .- -.-. ." ".. - .----. ... / ..-. .. -. . .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / .. / - .... .. -. -.- / .-- . / ... .... --- ..- .-.. -.. / --. --- / --- ..- - .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / ..-. .-.. ..- ... - . .-. . -.. / ..-. .- -.-. . / -. --- -.. -.. .. -. --." I exited the room and my face was bright red. I felt embarrassed but now that we agreed to go out that means we're dating... We have a lot to short out but I think we'll work it out

Bonus in the future

"Listen, just because I think Alex is hot doesn't mean I will date her!" Tamashi yelled out to Kori and Mystiko "Mashi we both know that you and Alex like each other just admit it" "Stop calling me Mashi! And no we don't like each other" "Tamashi... You need to accept yourself and come out of the closet to give what your heart desires!" "I will be doing no such things!" "Mashi... At least give her one chance!" "No!" Tamashi yelled out giving up at trying to correct him when she got up and walked away

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