Explainations and Comment Dos and Don'ts

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For people who are familiar with my work, you may know that this is a brand new writing style for me so this may be a bit scrappy.

For the people here that are Islamic, Deaf, or any of the other races, religions, disabilities, diseases, ect. Please please tell me if I say something inaccurate, offensive, or so on and so forth. I'm doing research and using resources I have to bring all the representation you deserve. I promise you I'm doing my best and I have been and will continue to double check to make sure my research is correct and non offensive. My best friend will be helping me with research, writing, and maybe even illustration.

Speaking of illustration, for this page, chapter, whatever will be using Picrew so that way if I have inaccuracy with the base pictures I can get it fixed and then when the first chapters are about to come out I'll update this chapter thing and give y'all the new and accurate versions for the book. So far, these are what I have (credits to @reelrollsweat):

(We will not judge too harshly on names, I'm garbage at names)

Karrin Raynes

Karrin Raynes

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Mary Jones

Kya Kumar

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Kya Kumar

Diane Fischer

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Diane Fischer

Marceline Fischer

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Marceline Fischer

Marceline Fischer

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Jaycee Smith

There's all the base designs! Tell me if anything should be changed :] (these are not the only designs for them DW!)

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There's all the base designs! Tell me if anything should be changed :] (these are not the only designs for them DW!)

Now, for commenting


Inform me about cultures and things like that!! The last thing I want is to offend or missimform!

Tell me your opinions! I wanna know how I'm doing and how I might want/need to work on my writing

Make jokes! I love having an engaging reader, making the book more fun for everyone!

Ask questions! I'll gladly answer all of them :]

Compliment certain aspects! It would mean the world to me to know my hard work is paying off!


Be rude to other people here or myself! Now that's just Internet etiquette!

Make fun of religion, race, disability, disease, serious topics, mental health, ect.!! That's definitely not okay, and I will block your user and delete/report your comment if you do.

Be overly judgemental! Come on man, I'm doing my best here :[

Spam comments! Please. Just don't do it.

That is all! Thank you for taking the time to read this, I'm grateful to every person who reads this, genuinely. Have a fantastic day and know that you are loved. ♡

Word count: 408

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