Yet another.. mass update

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Okay I know that it's been a LONG while but that is with good reason. I along with my team have been working our very best to get things moving along. So much has been going on behind the scenes and I am glad to say that our team socialist are going to have plans in gear in TWO WEEKS. I know this book doesn't have many/any fans yet but I hope after these next two weeks, fans will be getting teasers from here for a long while.

The original plan for this on Wattpad was to make the story both here and IRL but with the way I'm making this book I have decided that this will be a fanbase teaser and discussion book. We will have plenty of fun activities from hidden messages to character logs between characters. I hope that will be a good bit of content while the book is in progress.

As for changes in development many things will be tweaked and added. The biggest change being the change in the name. This will take well up to a month to make, once I have more members on board polls will be taken in my work server along with right here! That's right! You, beautiful reader and supporter have the chance to be a helpful milestone to my dream and this story! As for another change, there are a bit more triggering contents in this book. Chapters that include these topics will have warnings beforehand. I won't include too much but just be mindful of that before deciding to become invested in this story. That is all for changes.

You will more than likely be looking at this a few weeks or possibly a month after reading this so because of this I will tell you of some ideas I have to keep the community active and aware of changes in the future. Here are things that I am thinking of making that may or may not happen depending on the voting within my staff.

- A community server so all our fans can get together in a place that has more options
- A website for all our fans to be informed and find fun easter eggs along with some behind the scenes details (this is an idea that I'm heavily leading to)
- Getting our socials up and running by at least late April or Early May

That is all, thank you for your time. (I am also going back to update the original page with new info after this post :])


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11 ⏰

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